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Tim Mahoney (D)

Tom Rooney (R)

Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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Tim Mahoney (D)
Tom Rooney (R)

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Who should I vote for in the 2008 Florida 16th District House of Representatives Race?

Tim Mahoney (D)

Side Score: 7

Tom Rooney (R)

Side Score: 6
3 points

Tim Mahoney (D) was recently recognized by for his success in pushing important legislation regarding senior housing, biofuels, homeowners insurance, and Everglades Restoration.

The National Journal has called him "Man in the Middle" after an analysis of more than one hundred votes on immigration, tax policy and fiscal responsibility, the war in Iraq and the war on terror, and our foreign policy revealed that Mahoney sat square in the middle of his congressional colleagues.

His voting record supports a higher minimum wage and embryonic stem-cell research. His vote in favor of redeploying our troops to Iraq is accompanied by his support to eliminate the alternative minimum tax, a tough immigration policy, and more funding for our national defense and arms resources for our troops.

In response to this recognition, Mahoney says, "Politicians that call me a liberal are grasping at straws. I am a conservative Democrat which makes me a common sense moderate. The nation has seen what a generation of partisan ‘conservative' Republican leadership has done for our nation. I don't care which party sponsors a bill, I just try to do the right thing for the people of Florida's 16th District and that philosophy put me right dead in the middle of the current United States Congress.";=view&id;=419&Itemid;=1

Side: Man in the Middle
2 points

As a Representative for a district that contains the Everglades on the Atlantic Coastline, Lake Okeechobee and the Indian River Lagoon, Mahoney understands how important it is to 16th district Floridians that the natural habitat remain preserved, especially with oil speculators licking their chomps at the idea of getting drilling permits off of the coast line.

The value of the coastline also plays a major part in Florida's economic growth because it builds up Florida's tourist industry. Mahoney believes that by striking a balance between businesses looking to capitalize on tourism and Florida activists who want to protect it, everyone can enjoy the natural beauty.

By supporting legislation through the Comprehensive Everglades Project Mahoney wants to restore the Everglades and keep them available to future generations.

Supporting Evidence: Mahoney on the environment (
Side: Tim Mahoney
1 point

Last week, Tim Mahoney voted to uphold the 2nd amendment by supporting The Second Amendment Enforcement Act H.R. 6691 which significantly revises the gun ban in effect for the District of Columbia. The legislation passed with a vote of 266-152.

The bill's revisions include allowing DC residents to purchase guns that are legal under federal law from a federally licensed firearm dealer in Maryland or Virginia, repealing criminal penalties that prohibit a lawful gun owner from possessing a gun in his home or business and prohibiting felons, mentally ill individuals, and persons convicted of domestic violence offenses from owning a firearm.

Mahoney:''The right to bear arms is one of the timeless founding principles we enjoy as citizens of the United States. Today’s legislation sends a message to our nation that the Constitution comes first and our fundamental rights will not be compromised.”

Side: Tim Mahoney
1 point

After voting to pass the economic bailout bill, HR 1424, Mahoney gave a statement on why he felt so strongly about supporting the controversial legislation.

Mahoney: “America’s economic crisis is real and the global financial markets are faltering. While I was disappointed to find that the Senate version of the Emergency Economic Stabilization package contained several tacked-on unpaid measures that increased the cost of the bill and created even greater confusion about its purpose, failure to take action today would have had serious consequences for all Floridians."

Mahoney voted for the first version of the bill last month and faced an uproar from his constituency. Though he says he is not at all thrilled with the current draft, something must be done. Mahoney says that the two bills differ greatly and he feels more comfortable supporting this one that gives $45 million in tax relief to 50,000 people in the 16th district.

Mahoney:"The bill I supported today is not the handout plan that the Bush Administration originally proposed two weeks ago. This turns the Administration’s plan into one that holds Wall Street accountable. It provides for independent oversight and transparency. It protects taxpayers by requiring the Administration to report back on the program’s progress and allows for corrections to be made if the program doesn’t work as intended. It eliminates excessive CEO compensation and, once we are through this crisis, the legislation ensures that any taxpayer losses are repaid by the financial industry."

Supporting Evidence: Mahoney supports new bailout (
Side: Tim Mahoney
2 points

Tim Mahoney has sponsored several different pieces of Florida legislation designed to protect and preserve Floridian reserves from future oil drilling. The fragile and beautiful exotica and beaches in Florida are making Washingotn cronies lick their licks at the thought of untapped oil reserves, but Mahoney says absolutely not to drilling hopefuls in Florida. Mahoney has supported and passed legislature to protect funding for the Everglades and says that any drilling in Florida's paradies could severly damage the tourist trade.

If Mahoney is so gung-ho about keeping tankers out of reserves, then why was he the co-author of legislation to drill in ANWR? He was a forerunner and one of the biggest supporters for the DRILL Act and for putting the act to work in the Arctic Reserve first. If Florida's protected wildlife is exempt from dangerous drilling and oil pumps, shouldn't all of the states?

Supporting Evidence: Mahoney for oil (
Side: Mahoney for ANWR
2 points

Congressman Mahoney is listed here as one of the few in the House who are Obama supporters but stop short of a full endorsement. His FISA immunity and Iraq withdrawal votes provide evidence that most public officials like him would not work to end Bush's policies. Rooney is not much better for our national defense except in having a wealth of military experience like many Republican candidates.

Tom Rooney (R)
1 point

Rooney recently visited Martin County with Florida Rep. William Snyder(R) to meet with citizens and the Sheriff's department to discuss the community issues with gang violence what needs to be done to curb the root issues which lead to gang activity, including illegal immigration.

Rooney: "There's nothing more important to me and my family than freedom and that's why a pledge to crack down on illegal immigration, illegal aliens, criminals and gang members."

Rooney believes that by deporting illegal aliens immediately after they have served their time and giving state law enforcement the support and authority to assist federal law enforcement in illegal immigrant deportation, gang associated crime will become significantly decreased.

Rooney: “As a former Criminal Prosecutor under Charlie Crist nothing is more important than the safety of my family the people of South Florida,” said Tom Rooney. This is why I have pledged to crack down on illegal immigration, illegal alien criminals and gang members. Several months ago I announced a plan to require local law enforcement to report to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) all illegal aliens arrested for violent crimes and require illegal alien criminals be immediately deported as soon as they have served their time.”

Rooney in Martin county talking about the end of illegal immigration
Side: Tom Rooney
1 point

Congressman Mahoney supported the original and final versions of the Wall Street bailout bill. Rooney may not be much better of a choice, but appears to be the only way to unseat Mahoney for failing this major test. Rooney will probably give this district a slightly better chance at fighting wasteful spending despite the tyranny of congressional leaders.

Tom Rooney (R)