
Debate Info

Me. Not.
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Me. (5)
 Not. (3)

Debate Creator

SitaraForJesus(3819) pic

Who wants to play the opposites game?

The rules are you pick an issue you feel strongly about, and argue the opposite view. Whoever wins is awesome. Rewards can be negotiated. Who's up for a little fun?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 3
1 point

I AM .

Side: Me.

Awesome. Pick an issue we disagree on. Maybe the existance of God? .

Side: Me.
kaveri(319) Disputed
1 point

Ok, I do not believe in god/s, fairies, unicorns or Hobbits. Do you?

Side: Not.

I'm down. I find myself doing this to some extent frequently; it's an interesting thought experiment :)

Side: Me.

I'll totes do it! I don't mind. Someone can message me and we can make a private debate and battle it out.

Side: Me.
1 point

Yeah i'll give it a go :) I haven't done it before so it'll be cool to try. So instead of fighting against hunting I'll fight for hunting with anyone who's game :)

Side: Me.
1 point

I think it is a bad idea and we should just stick to defending the arguments we believe in.

Side: Not.
1 point

Soooooo.... does this mean you really think it's a good idea? I'm so confused.

Side: Not.