
Debate Info

Darwin Newton
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Darwin (3)
 Newton (3)

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Doherty95(299) pic

Who was the more important to science Darwin or Newton?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 3
2 points

Evolution is like the discovery of gravity, only non-obvious.

Evolution is the backbone of biology, and future advances in technology which incorporate things like neuronetworks and better human life through the elimination of diseases.

Newton helped developed calculus, and basic physics, so well a broader material rests on his discoveries, they are less directly applied to human well being.

Newton's theories are easier to replicate and redescover than Darwin, which makes Darwin's more important.

Side: Darwin
Del1176(4975) Disputed
1 point

Newtonian physics is the backbone of any and all applied physics of modern science (Einstein and Bohr being more significant in theoretical, quantum, physics).

Just because Darwin is the backbone of biological classification doesn't mean he is of any importance overall. People were already very accurately identifying species but Darwin was the first to offer a legitimate reason for similarities and differences between species.

Side: Newton
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

Newton's theories are easier to replicate and redescover than Darwin, which makes Darwin's more important.

I don't think just because we can copy it makes it any more important.

Side: Darwin
casper3912(1556) Clarified
1 point

I stated the opposite.

The impact as well the difficulty of discovery should be at least included in the measures used to determine which contributions to science are the most important.

Side: Darwin

You can't really say one was more important than the other considering that Darwin was a biologist and Newton was a physicist.

But I have to say, Darwin has a cool beard so I'll come over on this side.

Side: Darwin
1 point

Newtonian physics pretty much stated the obvious and gave formulae. Darwin's research was controversial and a large step forwards for the atheist movement.

Irrelevent: Newton was a pompous asshole.

Side: Darwin
1 point

The things he did for physics far outweigh what Darwin did for biology (though both did phenomenal things, but Darwin was more phenomenal as a person and Newton as a scientist).

Another argument in favour of this side is that what Darwin contributed was far more philosophically and legally valuable than scientifically valuable.

Side: Newton
1 point

To be honest I don't see a single possible argument one could argue in favour of Darwin for this question.

Side: Newton