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 Why did the USA hesitate so long to join both world wars? (7)

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DaWolfman(3324) pic

Why did the USA hesitate so long to join both world wars?

The 1st WW is understandable for why the US did not join very early, but WWII I see no excuse at all we had to wait in both WWs for a little spilled milk before we did anything.

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It is better to jump into a fight once you know who is going to win and the person you want to lose is already tired and a little beat up ;)

I think it was mainly just following the advice of George Washington when he told us not to get involved in Europe's affairs and tangled alliances.

There were also millions of immigrants in the country from both sides of both wars at the time, so the US taking sides at first would cause an uproar.

Side: advice and immigration
1 point

I don't know about WWI, but I believe for WWII Congress was totally against going to war, while FDR really wanted to enter into the war. The only reason he got his way was because of the attack on Pearl Harbor. That single event changed the minds of the Congressmen.

Side: Wait for the right time
1 point

The bank saw England close to losing and funding both sides they saw the end of their ill gotten gains. America was pro Germany at the start of the war but the bank owned media started an anti Germany champaign that shifted American view as they did during the 2008 election as most, including Obama supporters, now realize.

The bank has played both sides since the French Revolution. Federal Reserve Bank, the Bank of England, and all the others are owned by a select few who have more money than they could ever spend but still crave more These men are guilty of crimes worse than murder and genocide. They just don't take life but destroy life and thrill in doing so.

Side: Wait for the right time

Why would the US jump right into a World War? They're terrible things. And by the way people, WWIII is right around the corner

Side: Common sense
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
2 points

In WWII there was a genocide towards Jews ... why wouldn't they want to stop a maniac murdering millions ? WWIII is not around the corner. WWIII is the end of the human world, it isn't going to happen soon, the UN will prevent it, no country wants to wipe out all of their people.

Side: Wait for the right time
0 points

USA got better things to do than participating in both world wars.

Side: Wait for the right time