
Debate Info

For the Ads For the Game
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 For the Ads (4)
 For the Game (4)

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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Why did you watch the super bowl?

For the Ads

Side Score: 4

For the Game

Side Score: 4

I didn't watch either during the game. But rather, I watched some commercials on YouTube.

Side: For the Ads
1 point

I watched the game for the Ad's because every year they are great. But this year they we not as good.

Side: For the Ads

You didn't like that 'the bridge is out' commercial, where they build a human bridge for the beer truck?

Side: For the Ads
1 point

Yes i did like it but my favorite was the one when the kid slapped the other guy for touching his doritos.

Side: For the Ads

Yes, the game is much more interesting than advertising although indifferent to the winner, but good to see New Orleans won.

Side: For the Game

The only reason I watched the game was because it game me a good excuse to sit around all day drinking beer ;)

Side: For the Game

Isn't being conscious a good enough excuse to get drunk?

Side: For the Game
1 point

The commercials are cool and all, but my main focus was on who got the trophy.

Side: For the Game