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 Why do people want higher taxes except for thyself? (9)

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PrayerFails(11165) pic

Why do people want higher taxes except for thyself?


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1 point

Because they're selfish. Go ahead and raise my taxes. Raise them until my income is null.

1 point

Since taxes should be voluntary as is just every business exchange is, and if I choose have the option not to pay, and you obviously are willing to pay more, than by all means, nobody is stopping you.

Tax law and code is what is only enforced, you are welcomed and maybe even encouraged to pay more, so they don't even need to raise your taxes for your income to be null, you can just voluntarily do that by yourself.

Also, when income is null due to 100% taxes, what incentive do people have to work? The simple answer is none.

If you want to pay more, what are you waiting for?

If you wish to give gifts to the United State Government, here is the informational website

It is not selfishness, it is what people perceive as what is fair. Rich should pay more, which is hardly fair. Fair Tax

Side: Government accepts gifts
brycer2012(1002) Disputed
1 point

Since taxes should be voluntary as is just every business exchange is

If you have someone to do something for you, then you have to pay them, unless they are willing to work for free. You don't decide whether or not you will pay someone.

and if I choose have the option not to pay

Who, in their right minds, would pay taxes if that was the case? That would make no reason for government of any kind.

Side: Government accepts gifts
Akulakhan(2985) Disputed
1 point

Well, I don't want to just give them money, I want it to run through the tax system. The idea is that the larger taxes are, the more gets done in the scale of society, and more services or products will be paid for, as opposed to individual capital development. I'm an exception to your debate title, a dirty commie. In that respect, I believe that the government should have control of the market.

Side: Government accepts gifts

Democrats want higher taxes except for themselves. Just ask John Kerry, Timothy Geithner or Charles Rangel.

Apparently, once one has reached the highest political stratosphere, they are exempt from paying taxes because of their benevolence for the middle and lower class. Only the evil greedy business man should be taxed to the max.


Side: Hypocrisy

People want higher taxes for everybody except themselves because they don't give a rats ass about others, but when it effects them then they care and scream that it isn't right. If you are going to have high taxes or low taxes, you shouldn't target one specific economic class; you should make it fair for all.

Side: Hypocrisy

Exactly, either a fair tax or flat tax, or least a negative income tax.

Side: Hypocrisy

The lower-paid masses have of late sought to strike at the rich by means of taxing them. These designs have little to commend them, as the wealthy rely less on the state than the poor, receiving less from it. Why then should they finance it to a greater degree than those who benefit most from it?

In the case of the rich, I do not believe they care in the least for the affairs of revenue, beyond such schemes as harm their own estate.

Side: Hypocrisy