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 Why is the public fascinated with celebrities? Is it envy? (5)

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PrayerFails(11165) pic

Why is the public fascinated with celebrities? Is it envy?

Entertainment Tonight and the Insider propagate and exacerbate the situation in knowing what Brad Pitt or Lindsey Lohan are doing every second of the day.

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2 points

Entertainment is the centerpiece of American culture. It's taken over everything. News is no longer about information it's about entertainment. That's why sensational stories are publicized that might not necessarily be newsworthy, while newsworthy stories may be ignored because they are not entertaining.

Side: culture

Celebrity fascination stems from a system that inherently creates dissatisfaction with the "everyday" minutiae that our lives form as we age and enter a "mature" stage of living, in which we spend unhealthy amounts of time "being productive" i.e. working. It is, thus, necessary for us to live vicariously through people who have discovered alternative paths to the one the rest of "us" have taken. We call it entertainment, but it is more akin to something that helps "fulfill" our otherwise dull and unaccomplished lives.

Side: culture
1 point

That same system drives our culture towards consumption.

We spend unhealthy amounts of time watching tv too.

Side: culture

What do you consider to be unhealthy amount of time watching tv? Is this a subjective opinion or opinion encouraged by "experts such as government?

Side: culture