
Debate Info

Not Me - I'm Sure! I Might Be - I'm Not Sure!
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:18
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 Not Me - I'm Sure! (5)
 I Might Be - I'm Not Sure! (11)

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Kuklapolitan(4313) pic

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Will You Be One of The Voters Turned Away on Election Day?

*Double Check What To Bring Along*

Don't be turned away on Election Day because of an error, yours or theirs. If you are a first time voter be certain to bring enough Identification with you including something with a photo on it like a Driver's License. Even if you are a seasoned voter, some polling venues have changed along with some procedures. If you get frustrated, ask for help. DO NOT LEAVE WITHOUT CORRECTING THE PROBLEM & VOTING!!! (5 Things You Need To Know) US Government Information (

Not Me - I'm Sure!

Side Score: 6

I Might Be - I'm Not Sure!

Side Score: 12
Winning Side!

I've got my little I.D. package all set to go on Election Day! I even stuck my passport in there along with a property tax bill just in case! Why a property tax bill? Well, I live in a Townhouse complex and our actual mailing address is #4 but our property tax statements list the property as #8! They are both true but just in case I get one of the un-dead at my intake table, I'm bringing everything I've got.....just in case.

Side: Not Me - I'm Sure!
1 point

Nope, already voted, went smooth as silk for me. All the dark people were shooed away by metro, so I didn't even have to stand in line :)

Nevada does this weird thing for people who have voted before, I don't know if other states do this, but literally all I did was bring in the early voter pamphlet I recieved in the mail. They didn't even check my ID, just scanned a barcode, then had me sign something and compared my signature.

Not sure how safe that is, but it's fast and easy.

Side: easy

That's interesting David! I'm glad you mentioned something about getting a pamphlet in the mail. I usually get my card in the mail telling me where to vote, how to vote, blah, blah, blah. I haven't gotten a thing this year! I'm the one who is soooooooo sure, I'll probably be the one sitting on the fire hydrant outside of the school wondering what to do! I'll call on Monday and check on any changes I should know about. Oy Vey!!!

Side: I Might Be - I'm Not Sure!
1 point

I voted early this morning and I didn't have any hitches. I went with my boyfriend and his brother and it went really smoothly for all three of us.

Side: Not Me - I'm Sure!

YES!!!! I just came in from voting and there were no glitches for me either. It looked like everything was going smoothly across the board there! YES! I VOTED TODAY AND AM PROUD I VOTED IN A COUNTRY THAT ALLOWS ME TO VOTE FOR WHOMEVER I CHOOSE....THANKS USA!

Side: Not Me - I'm Sure!

If you're not certain because of all the changes that have taken place, bring what is suggested in the highlighted articles.

Side: I Might Be - I'm Not Sure!

Yes I will be! I am a victim of disenfranchisement! Not because of any plot by Republicans or Democrats, but because I was born 9 days too late!

Oh well, at least my states definitely Obama.

Side: Too Young youse gitz a pHD and caint vote in this here state? Like my new version of Englaise? WTF R U, a child genius or summin?

Side: I Might Be - I'm Not Sure!

I'm sorry Kukla but I don't think I get your joke. You sure that you don't still do pot?

Side: Too Young
1 point

Well there is always a chance they screwed up anyone's registration.

Since I moved this year, there's a higher chance that mine didn't transfer. Although I voted in the primaries here, I still worry that some moron is going to refuse me.

Side: I Might Be - I'm Not Sure!

You simply have to vote...I have a feeling this year and it's been written about from time to time in the local rag. It's always about them changing so many systems at the polls and voters not matching up precisely!

Side: Not Me - I'm Sure!
1 point

Well, I'm told that all i need is my voter registration card.(which i have)

I don't have an ID or a driver's license so I hope it will work out. It will be my first time to vote.

But it's probably not the same everywhere right?

I like this topic by the way.

Side: I Might Be - I'm Not Sure!

Well I'm glad you do Jake! Oh picture I.D.? I hope that doesn't mean anything where you live. I remember my first time too.....sooooooooooooo many years ago. It felt good to finally be able to do it. Good luck tomorrow. By the way, do you have a Passport? If you do bring it...if not the voter's reg card should do but bring something else with your name and address on it just in case. Again, Much luck!

Side: Not Me - I'm Sure!
1 point

Thanks, it wen't well, all i needed was my registration card. Thanks for the info.

Side: I Might Be - I'm Not Sure!