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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 YES (4)
 NO (1)

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PrayerFails(11139) pic

Will the launch of SpaceX usher an new era of space exploration?


SpaceX's Falcon 9 is the first privately owned space vessel lauched into space.



Side Score: 4


Side Score: 1

Space exploration is finally weakening from the monopolistic tendency of the federal government, and space exploration is finally going to get an competitive atmosphere, and as time goes by, more great things will come to space exploration.

Side: YES
1 point

Yes, space exploration will thrive, until it is regulated. I think it will start like this.

1. Space related pharmaceutical development

2. Space tourism - get to go to orbit

3. Moon colonization - why, I am not sure...I don't know if there are any elements that are valuable there

4. Space exploration - corporations betting they will find the next unobtanium

5. Deep space exploration/planet colonization

6. The discovery of other life

Or something like that.

Side: YES
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

Other than the 2nd, where is the profit motive in any of those?

Side: NO
addltd(5125) Disputed
1 point

while I agree that there needs to be a profit motive, I believe some exist...

1. Space related pharmaceutical development - likely worth billions as there are certain chemical and bio products that can only efficiently be produced in space.

2. Space tourism - get to go to orbit - as you suggested, a novelty.

3. Moon colonization - why, I am not sure...I don't know if there are any elements that are valuable there - again, a novelty. We may find that this could be considered a form of banishment which could take the place of capital punishment.

4. Space exploration - corporations betting they will find the next unobtanium - Corporations will not want to lose a competitive advantage and will therefore try to search fo new elements/compounds.

5. Deep space exploration/planet colonization - We will be driven by the unknown.

6. The discovery of other life - just a guess of what will eventually happen.

Side: YES
1 point

With NASA going down the crapper since Obama cut funding, the private industry is the only way I see space exploration progressing.

Side: YES
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