
Debate Info

Absolutely Only for Japaneese people
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Absolutely (1)
 Only for Japaneese people (1)

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jolie(9809) pic

Would the world be a better place if Japan had won WWII?


Side Score: 1

Only for Japaneese people

Side Score: 1
1 point

Japan would not be as prosperous as it is today where it not for the fact that they lost, and lost brutally at the hands of the US in all it's atomic fury. You see, Japan was a vicious and authoritarian empire at the time of WWII, the violence that Japan unleashed upon the world resulted in the deaths of millions and millions of people, including their own. Democracy would never have been achieved had they not been OBLITERATED BY THE POWER OF THE ATOMIC BOMB. They would NEVER have surrendered and they would have NEVER given up their imperialist ways.

In sum, it is good that the US bombed them with nukes and it is good that they where defeated, for if that had not been the case, there would have been far more casualties than there where believe it or not.

Side: Absolutely
1 point

This would not work in American cities which are full of liberals who think they can do whatever they want ;)

Side: Only for Japaneese people