
Debate Info

Brother Sister
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Brother (3)

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Micmacmoc(2259) pic

Would you Rather have a Brother or Sister?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 0
1 point

I have two sisters, a brother wouldn't have been that bad.

Side: Brother

That's a hard question; I do think that having a little sister or twin sister would be nicer, but when it comes to older siblings, I'm glad that I have an older brother instead of an older sister. From my experience, the big brother/little sister combo works better than the opposite, because for the most part, the older brother has a sense of protectiveness over his little sister. (I also have a pair of friends who are in the same position, although it probably helps that both my brother and my guy friend are extremely sweet, empathetic people.)

Anyway, I think the point is that I'm glad to have a brother because I think that it works better when your siblings are the opposite sex instead of the same sex. I've gotten the impression that brothers who grow up together spend a lot of time having to roughhouse, meaning that the younger one is kind of forced into a rough personality, and girls, no matter what the age difference is, will at some point end up getting in fights about sharing clothes, etc. (Even though I feel like having a twin sister would be like having a best friend sometimes, I could still see this being a problem eventually, especially if we have the same friends.)

When it comes to a little sibling, I would definitely prefer having a little sister, because I always get along really well with younger girls, but younger boys are usually too naturally rough for my liking. But the point is, I'm glad that I have a brother. :)

Side: Brother

I do have a brother and I like having a brother instead of a sister.

Side: Brother
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