
Debate Info

Yes, he's deep. No, he's a dip.
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Yes, he's deep. (2)
 No, he's a dip. (2)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Would you take relationship advice from this guy?

Yes, he's deep.

Side Score: 2

No, he's a dip.

Side Score: 2

As you get older your tastes become more refined ;)

Side: Yes, he's deep.
1 point

he is amazing he is a wise man i think he would know what hes talking about

Side: Yes, he's deep.

Maybe he's just thinking with the little head ;)

Side: No, he's a dip.

The problem is when people are just looking for something different, not necessarily better.

Side: No, he's a dip.