
Debate Info

Xbox 360 PS3
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:10
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 Xbox 360 (3)
 PS3 (1)

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Bladerz(5) pic

Xbox 360 vs. PS3

I believe Xbox 360 is awesome, because it has games you cannot play on PS3 like Halo, and PS3 does not come with Microsoft. Ps3 needs a lot of attachments, but the Xbox 360 is a one in all device. Plus, the Xbox is the only platform that can play Minecraft.

Xbox 360

Side Score: 7


Side Score: 1
3 points

I like xbox way better. Halo is one of my favorite games, and you can also play cod on it.

Side: Xbox 360
2 points

I think that Xbox 360 is better because I am a big fan of mine craft and you can not get mine craft on ps3. Also since play station network is free so it is easier to get hacked than on Xbox live.

Side: Xbox 360
2 points

I suport you pecause I think a xbox350 is cool to have halo1-4 on it than a ps3 that can't get halo1-4

Side: Xbox 360
-1 points

PS3 does not come with Microsoft\

Over course it doesn't. PS3 is a Sony product.

Ps3 needs a lot of attachments, but the Xbox 360 is a one in all device. Plus, the Xbox is the only platform that can play Minecraft.

Actually you don't need a lot of attachments. All you need is a controller, AV cord, and the power cord and your all set. Same thing with the Xbox.

Also I don't care if Minecraft is on Xbox. I think Minecraft is poorly graphiced and who would want to play it. I don't see the big deal in a poorly graphiced game. There are other games out there that are better then Minecraft.

There is also games that Xbox doesn't have like Uncharted series, Killzone Series, Resistance series, Infamous series, Rachet and Clank Series, and much more.

Side: PS3