
Debate Info

fo sho not fo sho
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 fo sho (10)
 not fo sho (4)

Debate Creator

feelingtruth(2774) pic

You people are crazy

The atheists and religious people on here are like 2 sides of the same coin

We need more coins on this site 

fo sho

Side Score: 12

not fo sho

Side Score: 5

I'm as high as a kite, and this still doesn't make sense to me...

Side: fo sho
1 point

more money=more intelligence bro

How can not hard to not understand is what this are

Side: not fo sho
GuitaristDog(2538) Clarified
1 point

I'm not on thuis planet right now! I can't underst and!

Side: fo sho
1 point

There does seem to be a higher percentage of people here with mental health problems....

Side: fo sho

People on both sides have to grip reality and adjust themselves to tolerance.

Side: fo sho

What is the medium for religious debaters? It is either you believe or do not right?

Side: not fo sho
1 point

Maybe instead of debating pointlessly back and forth and calling each other dumbasses we can figure out what the hell the people in ancient times were actually seeing and describing

Side: fo sho
1 point

Isnt that what Atheists and Theists do anyways? People say God destroyed Sodom amd Gomorrah some say a meteor did and back then we would have claimed it to be God. This is something we already do right? Or are you referring to this site?

Side: not fo sho
timber113(795) Clarified
1 point

I agree. Remember how mermaids were a myth? We used to look down on our ancient people for thinking they were real, now look at us?

Side: fo sho