
Debate Info

Family Career
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:17
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 Family (7)
 Career (5)

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ecartman(17) pic

Young mothers should stay at home with children

Nowadays women of all the world prefer making career than staying at home and taking care of children, afterwards children become naughty and spoiled

single mothers are excluded


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 8
2 points

Mothers better stay at home with kids, at least until they get older. It is really difficult to bring up children the way you want, the right way.Mother always have to be near the kid, she has to be example for the kid. Nurses and babysitters are good too, but there are not mother for the kid, and they never can replace her. I mean look at yourself who do you took after?! mother, right because she taught you what is right and what is wrong.

Side: Family
meiyu(2) Disputed
1 point

How about the role of the father? Is the mother the only example for the kid? Clearly no! The father plays a part in shaping the values that the child has as well. It is irresponsible to only think of the mother as having responsibility to stay at home with the child, while absolving the father of this responsibility totally. I am not saying that mothers should not stay at home, but rather, both parents have the responsibility to look after the child, that fathers should also be granted the opportunity to stay at home with them. It is precisely this kind of attitude that you adopt which caused many working mothers to be deprived of the chance to pursue high-powered careers. Rather than the act of staying at home with children, I think it is more sensible to consider that both parents should have equal time to interact with the child. Staying at home for either parents is just too unrealistic in the world nowadays taking into account all the inflation that is happening.

Side: Career
1 point

If anything, this sounds moderately sexist. You state that in a heterosexual relationship, that it must be the mother who stays at home and is the parent to the children. Why shouldn't the father be the one to do the majority of the parenting?

Why are men allowed to have careers when raising a family, but women are not?

from my point of view father cannot replace mother. mother is closest person on the earth for child and should spend a lot of time with child to make her child worthy citizen of his country. moreover it's selfish to make a child and then work.

if mother has opportunity to stay at home and care about child, she should

Side: Family

Here's the deal. You can't have it both ways. If you want a career, have a career, but you should probably refrain from having kids. If you have kids, then either mom or dad needs to take care of them. This letting sitters raise your kids scenario is bullshit and it's why we now have kids with zero moral compass. You have to make a decision. Now, it doesn't have to be the mother who stays home; it can be the father. But someone needs to take care of the damn kiids, or you shouldn't have them. I have several friend where the mother makes more money than the father, so he stays at home with the kids instead. But the bottom line is that you actually have to raise your kids. They don't do it themselves.

Side: Family
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
2 points

If you want a career, have a career, but you should probably refrain from having kids.

It is not always so Black and white.

If you have kids, then either mom or dad needs to take care of them

In a lot of families both parents have to work to make ends meet.

This letting sitters raise your kids scenario is bullshit and it's why we now have kids with zero moral compass.

Generalise much?

You have to make a decision. Now, it doesn't have to be the mother who stays home; it can be the father. But someone needs to take care of the damn kiids, or you shouldn't have them.

In the current economic situation as has happened before a lot of people are finding that their best laid plans haven't worked out through no fault of their own.

Side: Career
1 point

"...for some working is not a choice, it has to be undertaken in order to support a family where one partner doesn't earn enough"

pardon, what about planning your future parental life before making children?

if (girl, woman) feels that it'd be difficult to take care of child, why she is going to have a child? there are lots of different types of contraceptives.

Side: Family
1 point

Nowadays women of all the world prefer making career than staying at home and taking care of children, afterwards children become naughty and spoiled

"Broad generalisation if I've ever seen one"

Thank you, next time it'll be narrower.

Side: Family
1 point

"...A woman who works has not enough time to spend with the child, but still this limited period of time communicating with the child even stronger and more effective than the time housewives spending with their children all day long"

I can't accept this, what do you mean by saying this?

You want to say that mother who works, brings up her child "effective" than mother who spends all day with child?

It looks like discrimination.

Side: Family

If anything, this sounds moderately sexist. You state that in a heterosexual relationship, that it must be the mother who stays at home and is the parent to the children. Why shouldn't the father be the one to do the majority of the parenting?

Why are men allowed to have careers when raising a family, but women are not?

Side: Career
2 points

Nowadays women of all the world prefer making career than staying at home and taking care of children, afterwards children become naughty and spoiled

Broad generalisation if I've ever seen one.

Many women choose to stay at home and many choose careers, and for some working is not a choice, it has to be undertaken in order to support a family where one partner doesn't earn enough.

Admittedly mothers are instinctively better with children, but that doesn't mean that Fathers can't make good stay at home parents either.

Side: Career
TogzhanSalim(3) Disputed
1 point

Nowadays women prefer making career because it brings money. First of all, money will help women to raise a child, give him an education. Second, business women can always succeed as a personality.

It is not a fact that business women have spoiled children. It cannot be proved. A woman who works has not enough time to spend with the child, but still this limited period of time communicating with the child even stronger and more effective than the time housewives spending with their children all day long.

Side: Family
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
1 point

Nowadays women prefer making career because it brings money.

Speak for yourself.

The rest of this is your opinion, not a dispute to my post, try again.

Side: Career