
Debate Info

Do it Don't do it
Debate Score:40
Total Votes:44
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 Do it (9)
 Don't do it (11)

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cwongie(60) pic

Your thoughts on swallowing gum?

I've never thought swalowing gum was good for you, nor was ir bad for you. All i've ever heard is that it stays in you for 7 years. But some people say it doesn't.
What do you think? 

Do it

Side Score: 15

Don't do it

Side Score: 25
4 points

Gum will just digest like all other food. Its ok basically swallow your gum there is nothing wrong with swallowing your gum.

Side: Do It
3 points

If the old wives tales about swallowing gum are true I'd probably be dead by now! There's nothing wrong with swallowing gum, it'd just be digested like any other food, in fact it's probably better to do that than spit it on the ground.

Side: Do It
2 points

Well let's put it this way, if gum DID stay in your stomach for 7 years, then surely I would be dead. I've swallowed plenty of gum, and if it stayed in my stomach, I wouldn't have any space left to fit food in, or... I would be dead xD Swallow it, I'm 100% sure it'll be fine!

Side: Do It

I think women should do it all the time.... Wait...., are we talking about the same thing? Ooh..., gum!!! Never mind ;-)

Side: Do It

Well i have been doing it for like ever and nothing has ever happened to me. But when you do it, use your brain and swallow little bits at a time not the whole frickin' gum ball, that would just be stupid and dangerous. ;)

Side: Do It
1 point

Agreed with the others, there is nothing wrong with swallowing gum it is a mother's tale that is gets stuck, the same as supposedly getting cramps from eating then swimming.

Side: Do It
1 point

I was told by my biology teacher that it is not bad to swallow gum. I've swallowed it a couple of times without ill effect. However, I would rather throw it in the rubbish bin.

Side: Do It
1 point

No, it won't stay in you for seven years. Thats crazy, that means nothing else would pass through your butt for the next seven years. At most it can make you consipated.

Side: Do It

Ah. I grossly misread the title. Apologies.

Side: Don't Do It
3 points

I love how this is the first thing I read once I click this debate :') Good laugh.

Side: Don't Do It
2 points

Lol why was this downvoted? Seriously :')

Side: Don't Do It
2 points

You, sir, are the winningest winner of Winnerton.

Side: Don't Do It
3 points

If you swallow gum, you're fine, but don't get carried away. Swallowing too much gum can cause problems.

But if you do it by accident, you'll be fine.

Side: Don't Do It
Calcifer(138) Disputed
1 point

What kind of problems do you mean? I do agree, doing it by accident is fine, but what would swallowing too much gum actually do?

Side: Do It
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

The health risks are in my link.

Gum itself isn't very digestible. If you swallow too much, it can cause problems within your digestive track.

Side: Don't Do It

Don't do it! Once I swallowed gum and then I farted in the shower and my ass blew a bubble. When it popped, it was really hard to get all that gum off the hair on my ass ;)

Side: Don't Do It

OMG. seriously person you really decided that it was a good enough reason to never swallow gum?? ;) lol it was funnily random though (not a word, yes i know)

Side: Don't Do It
1 point

Totally disregarding any health issues it may cause or whatever, I find it gross anyway. Probably because I was always told not to, but when I accidentally swallow gum it feels gross too. So I'll pass.

Side: Don't Do It
1 point

If you swallow gum, nothing bad is likely to happen. It won't stay inside of you for 7 years, digesting (it won't digest at all), it will simply move through your digestive system and come out of the other end (seemed like a nicer way of putting it).

Studies published have investigated gastrointestinal blockages composed of gum, but in a very limited amount of subjects - there is very little risk.

Still, it's probably best just to throw your gum in a bin (wrap it in the wrapper first!).

Side: Don't do it

I frown upon it because I think it may have an effect on digestion.

Side: Don't do it