
Debate Info

androids are better iphones are better
Debate Score:85
Total Votes:113
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 androids are better (27)
 iphones are better (42)

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1600205704(8) pic

are androids better than iphones

androids are better

Side Score: 30

iphones are better

Side Score: 55
2 points

I believe that androids are better then iPhone. I think this because have you seen the latest tech? they are all Samsung's and a Samsung is an android. They have made Samsung's phones washers and fridges. so i believe that androids are better and plus i have a Samsung's so i know what i am talking about this is just my opinion.

Side: androids are better
1 point

I disagree with this statement, because Androids are not the only company coming out with new tech, have you seen Apples latest tech ?

Side: androids are better
1300120006(6) Clarified
1 point

yes but their are little apple tech and the latest tech out of apple and android is and android

Side: androids are better
1 point

yes, i agree they make the newest tech androids so it should be androids not iphones

Side: androids are better
1 point

androids are better because i-phones are basically the same as other phones they can have the same storage device and androids are better because they both have basically the same things on each phone the i-phone might be better only for other people because they say they have better quallity than androids but they can usually have the same thing.

Side: androids are better

Androids, regardless of which company manufactured the phone, are overall easier to use. Yes, there are some things that I wish were on android but are on apple instead. But overall, the android OS is a lot simpler. Plus, Android, Samsung, and T-mobile are all partnered and when used to get her give you a wide range of helpful services and apps.

Side: androids are better
1 point

Alot of people think iphones are better because you can play video games but why would you buy a phone that you can't even work?

Side: androids are better
1 point

Indeed why would you buy a phone you cant work i mean it can be your fault to

Side: androids are better
1 point

Andriods are very good they are very good at making good phones!

Side: androids are better
1 point


Side: androids are better
0 points

in my opinion i think androids are better because people might not have enough money t buy an android this is my opinion

Side: androids are better
1600201609(16) Disputed
2 points

iphones might be expensive but they have better qualities on it than has none of that

Side: iphones are better
1 point

I agree because andriods take so long to use and iphones do not. Plus, iphones have good camera qualities, too.

Side: iphones are better
0 points

I believe Android phones are better because when you buy an iPhone, you're stuck with as much storage as you decided to buy at the get-go. Most Android phones, however, have a microSD card slot, so you can easily and cheaply buy more storage space. One of the strong points of Android has always been the level of customization it allows. While Apple wants to keep control of default apps in order to maintain a homogenous software and hardware experience, Android lets you pick your own level of customization. This extends all the way from simple things like live wallpapers, to alternative keyboards, to custom ROM installs.

Side: androids are better
jadeknight(27) Disputed
1 point

you can't take out the memiry not even with an iPhone cause if you say you can you really can't

Side: iphones are better
0 points

I believe that Iphones are harder to use plus some people don't have alot of money

Side: androids are better
-1 points

androids are better because most iPhone are small and i don't see why iPhone are better they are so hard to use for all grandpas and grandma's in the world and plus Samsung might be an android but they have so many things they're are making instead of just phones i have a Samsung myself so i know what i am talking about

Side: androids are better
1400134661(5) Disputed
2 points

I do not agree with this statement because, in my opinion, Androids are harder to work, and Iphones are easier to understand.

Side: iphones are better
zakiera(6) Disputed
1 point

androids are slow and they barely have any data and if you drop your phone then your phone will crack and alot off people dont have a lot of money to pay to recover there phone dmages

Side: iphones are better
190455313(12) Disputed
1 point

some i phones are not small like i phone 6 and i phone 7,i phone 8,i phone x they are big

Side: iphones are better
1500183451(9) Disputed
1 point

I highly disagree because iphones is the new style and my grandma has an iphone and she uses it fine.

Side: iphones are better
0 points

yes i agree that iphones are very small and there not big like androids that what is this a mini land.

Side: androids are better
evervaldes(15) Disputed
1 point

your just talking about iPhone 5, their small but if you talk about iphone6s is bigger than a android

Side: iphones are better
-4 points
1600201609(16) Disputed
1 point

iphone is better because when a new iphone comes out it comes with new tech on it which would make it better to use

Side: iphones are better
evervaldes(15) Disputed
1 point

iPhone are better (in my case because i don't have a phone)

Side: iphones are better
jadeknight(27) Disputed
1 point

well android are easy to hack into there phone really easy

Side: iphones are better
190455313(12) Disputed
1 point

the Samsung galaxy s9 it also coat a lot of money because the Samsung galaxy coats around nine hundred and the i phone x coats around seven hundred

Side: iphones are better
1300116577(12) Disputed
1 point

I disagree because rich people can buy hundreds of androids and iphones.

Side: iphones are better
4 points

iphones are better because it is more secure than androids can get viruses and get hacked into. unlike iphones can update its software to get more protection.

Side: iphones are better
1 point

Your right tyson iphones do have updates that make it even better and a screen saver so if you drop your iphone you can remove the screen saver and there will be no crack at all.

Side: iphones are better
1 point

well it truth because android do get viruses and they get hacked and iphone doesn't i agree with you .

Side: iphones are better
1 point

that is true because they have a lot of viruses and i phone don't

Side: iphones are better
2 points

Iphones are better than androids because there high tech than androids and iphones has siri to ask something instead of androids when you have to type it in and it takes longer than you want it to

Side: iphones are better
2 points

I really don't know,but i choose iphones because they have better quality than andriods.

Side: iphones are better
1 point

I agree, because Iphones do have better camera quality, and in general better quality.

Side: iphones are better
1 point

i phones are better because it has better apps and more space,depending on what iphone you have.

Side: iphones are better
190458213(8) Disputed
1 point

Actually, the problem with iPhone is the apps, making it use up space and a big mess with files, on the other hand the androids will put things in different folders to take up less space. yes there may be iPhones with good space, once you use up that space you have to buy more.

Side: androids are better
0 points

i agree whit you because, androids are slower than iPhone

Side: iphones are better
190458213(8) Disputed
1 point

Androids actually have better speed than IPhone, from this point:

Bugs, lag, an ugly interface, a lack of apps – Android’s weaknesses have been systematically dealt with by a determined development team. The Android platform is unrecognizable compared with the first release, and it continues to improve and evolve at a faster pace than the competition.

That big user base and the wide range of manufacturers producing Android devices can only drive further improvements to greater heights. While iOS stagnates, paralyzed by the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” school of thinking, Android continues to innovate and improve at a faster rate. Think about it. Android adopted NFC first, as well as fingerprint readers, and retina scanners, and mobile payments, and higher definition displays. The list goes on, illustrating why Android is better than iPhone.

Side: androids are better
190392997(5) Disputed
1 point

me too i agree because android are way slower than iPhone .

Side: androids are better
1600205704(8) Disputed
0 points

it don't matter about how slow it is because IPHONES DON'T HAVE BUTTONS

Side: androids are better
1300120006(6) Disputed
0 points


Side: androids are better
1 point

iphones are better because they have better apps in iphones . iphones also have more other iphones like iphone 6,8 and plus.

Side: iphones are better
1400134736(3) Disputed
1 point

androids don't have what iphones have but androids are easier to work and control with your apps you download

Side: androids are better
1 point

I think Iphone's are better than Androids because, Iphone's have better quality than Androids, and have better camera qualities and get better picture angles.

Side: iphones are better
1 point

iPhone are better cause i don't really know i like both i cant decide on which

Side: iphones are better
1400134736(3) Disputed
1 point

Ok but It needs more info about why iphones are better this is why Im disputing you

Side: androids are better
1 point

iphones are better because better camera everybody wants a good picture or video and they have better qualities

Side: iphones are better
1 point

Iphone's have been so famous now and I think they are very good to have in this place. They have good light for if you are in the dark! They have very good data and a lot of GGB they have also a very good camera and have more apps and more privileges! I like them too because they have very good, loud, cool sound and they are very but very affordable! I understand that they can be a little expensive but that is because of how so good of a brand they are. Iphones kind of change the way we text , off-topic, without iphones ,you'd never laugh your lungs out the funny auto-correct in the world.

Side: iphones are better
1 point

Iphone's have been so famous now and I think they are very good to have in this place. They have good light for if you are in the dark! They have very good data and a lot of GGB they have also a very good camera and have more apps and more privileges! I like them too because they have very good, loud, cool sound and they are very but very affordable! I understand that they can be a little expensive but that is because of how so good of a brand they are. Iphones kind of change the way we text , off-topic, without iphones ,you'd never laugh your lungs out the funny auto-correct in the world.

Side: iphones are better
1 point

no androids are not better than iphones because iphones have better cameras and more data and better data then and androids and iphones have better lighting even if your iphone if off you can still facetime people but only if you have wifi and you can still text people androids glitch and they dont even work that well iphones are louder and they have more data and faster data and some iphones are water proof while some androids dont even need to be near the water and there phone still does not work androids crack to fast the first drop and it is already cracked and you have to pay a lot off money to get it fixed

Side: iphones are better
1 point

I agree with this statement because, Androids do crack easily, and Iphones are much more protected.

Side: iphones are better
1 point

iPhone are better cause i have had two iPhones the 4 and 5

Side: iphones are better
1 point

Well iPhone are the most famous and they are expensive in these day because every year i think they make new ones and , ''In 2007, iPhone was awarded as the “Invention of the Year” by Times Magazine'' and it depends on what type of iPhone you have and it will and ''An iPhone consumes the Electricity worth 0.25 cents per year if it is fully charged once every day'' so that a reason why iPhone are famous, and ''In 2012, Apple sold 3,40,000 iPhones per day'' and every day they get more famous all around the world. Also iphone created ''iPhone started as a Tablet Project, but when the Apple employees came up with an iPad design with a virtual keyboard, Steve Jobs thought that they can apply this technology to a phone and this is how, iPhone came into existence''

Side: iphones are better
1 point

iphones have updates so they can get better if something needs to be updated

Side: iphones are better
1 point

you can use siri you can ask her any question that you need

Side: iphones are better
1 point

You can't really say are two different phones better than each other,because they might be different but they have the same value... it does matter because as long as you can call...but iphones are the newest kind of phone so it has all the upgrades and newer style

Side: iphones are better
1 point

Even it cost alot that means it works better so i think iphones are better because they cost alot so it works better the network is faster

Side: iphones are better
0 points

since i don't have a phone i don't really know which one is better but i think iPhone is better because is easier to use and you can play fortnite in it and in android you cant and, android is much slower than iPhone

Side: iphones are better
kimberly0311(5) Disputed
2 points

since you don't have i-phone how do you know i-phones are better they can have basically the same thing and you can just download any game on an android

Side: androids are better
1 point

What your saying is true you cant really say an iphone is better

Side: androids are better
1 point

i agree because most kids don't even a phone because they're just kids and i am too and I don't have a phone.

Side: iphones are better
190458213(8) Disputed
1 point

Actually, Androids are better because they store your files in the correct places, and android is better because it lags way less than an iphone does, and most of the people can play fortnite on android.

Side: androids are better
0 points

iphone are better because iphone have better software. IPHONES HAVE BETTER CAMRA. IPHONES HAVE BETTER EMOJI.

Side: iphones are better
-1 points

iphones are better because they have a better camera to take pictures and you can play fortnite on the go if you are bored and instead of taking else that is why iphone is better

Side: iphones are better
1600205704(8) Disputed
1 point

you can play fortnite with any phone you don't just have to have an iPhone for an "on the go experience"

Side: androids are better
190429619(6) Disputed
0 points

do you take selfies and its better just because of fortnite wrong

Side: androids are better
1600201609(16) Disputed
1 point

it is better because they have qualities on it so thats why iphone is better than iphone

Side: iphones are better