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it's on our doorstep as man evolves - wars will end
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 it's on our doorstep (2)
 as man evolves - wars will end (3)

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dadman(1703) pic

are you ready for the next world war?

Armageddon on the doorstep: the ISIS conquest of Iraq leads to Jerusalem – are you ready for the next world war?


The Islamic State of Iraq (ISIS) is headed by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
He transformed a few small terror cells into the most brutal and lethal terror group on earth. Mercy is not in this man’s vocabulary.
Abu Bakr picked up the mantle after Abu Omar al Baghdadi was killed in a joint U.S.-Iraqi operation in 2010.
Al-Qaida in Iraq was under the leadership of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi who, in a 2005 letter to the head of Al-Qaida, Ayman al-Zawahiri, put the aims of Al-Qaida in Iraq into four stages;

1. Drive America out of Iraq.

2. Create a Caliphate in Iraq.

3. Use that as a base to attack other countries.

4. Attack Israel.

it's on our doorstep

Side Score: 2

as man evolves - wars will end

Side Score: 3

There hasn't been a significant war in a while, and humans do tend to be aggressively violent/passionate.

Side: it's on our doorstep
1 point
Side: it's on our doorstep

Next world war? Hardly. Even if the entire Middle East was united under one Muslim banner, they couldn't begin to challenge NATO. They would need some large and powerful non-Muslim allies, and that would seem to be counter to their aims.

Side: as man evolves - wars will end
1 point

I think there will always be war and it will get only worse. But I think World War is out of the question. With everyone armed with nukes, the opposing power will just nuke the other power to no end.

Side: as man evolves - wars will end
1 point

Personally, nope. Not in this way anyway. It'll have to be something... BIGGER. Yes, I do believe we are due for a world war, and yes I believe the middle east will be involved, but not the ones who ultimately caused it to happen (when it does). It'll be bigger nations (Germany in ww1/2, for example) like; Russia, China, USA, or even North Korea?

I think Russia could because their leader, Vladimir Putin, is still a capitalist hating, communist loving physco! And, with the trouble still going on in the Ukraine as of now (which western leaders believe is the work of Russia) could escalate even further!

China because, well, communism? Maybe? (bare in mind this isn't and "anti-communist rant). Or maybe someone will grow a backbone and speak up about Tibet? Maybe?

The USA (not hating on the US) could, once again, interfere in some conflict or escalating tensions and do what it normally does and drag European country's like France and Britain into it as well.

North Korea... What is there to say that we don't know? They're a "rouge state", if you will. They may be bluffing about their power, but they have China at the back for almost everything! Need I say more?

To end this, no and yes. This war in Iraq you speak of is not "on our door step" in fact, besides another Iraq war, nothing is. Not another world war. And yes, because we are humans, and history is mainly comprised of war, and, well, there's still allot of history to be made. The human race is still considered a "young" species and we have much to accomplish.

Side: as man evolves - wars will end