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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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logicislogic(10) pic

boys vs girls

no relationship stuff try to use grammar/spelling if you want people to consider you intelligent. furthermore . no myths like all boys sports im a nerd and proud of it. lonly stuff biologically predetermined,nothing societal. and no personal experiences dont h8 because of harsh breakups or daddy issues cus seriously you haven't dated every guy.#WEALLROCK!


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 0
2 points

As a heterosexual male I have often found myself having very interesting conversations with females perhaps more than I have with my own gender.

The females I have met and continue to meet have an outlook on life that promotes diverse and interesting conversation. My experiences would indicate that there is no "boys vs girls" just "boys and girls". There is nothing quite like good company with people whose minds simply enjoy good discussion without un-necessary bias.


Neither. Who cares? Firstly, the studies that show the intelligence differences change over time and give different results:

Here's a definitive one:

Here's a study where they say the opposite of what most stereotypical studies say, from a completely different source: PAID2011.pdf

I could go on forever but, if you Google it, you'll get both studies that overall say that either men or women are smarter. The more legitimate ones say that, if there is an average difference, it is so slight that there is literally no noticeable correlation and it would mean practically nothing when judging one's behavior though. You can get that by only reading the first paragraph of what I've sent.

Hope that clears things up.

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