
Debate Info

yes it is a good method no it is not
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 yes it is a good method (1)

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dandyandy(2) pic

bribery is a good method to motivate students

yes it is a good method

Side Score: 1

no it is not

Side Score: 0
1 point

When you define Bribery as a using a desirable item wanted by a large group of individuals as coercion into comformance, then sure, it can be a very good method. An excellent example of this is when a school offers a brand new car to which ever student does best at the end of the year. It encourages the students to try much harder than they normally would without drive and in turn, their overall drive is increased directly increasing the their input to the school and their output from such. However, encouraging students with a method of direct individual contact or monetary movement is not a good idea as it can be universally acknowledged as positive and therefore more treacherous means can be used to achieve such bribes outside of the bribe's conditions. Thereofre, a non-monetary bribery of students may be an extremely effective method for schools to employ when looking to increase statistics.

Side: yes it is a good method
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