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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 charlie chaplin or jim carey (7)

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ANJ2kill(304) pic

charlie chaplin or jim carey

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1 point

jim 'coz hes better






Side: jim
Spoonerism(831) Disputed
2 points

This is no argument. A bunch of periods explain why you think he's better!?







Start a new argument with, "Jim Carrey is better because..." and finish it intelligently. Please. For the love of all that is debate.

Side: jim

Charlie Chaplin. What's more comical than being Charlie Chaplin and not winning a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest?

And, he covered some serious issues in his movies.

Side: jim

There's no comparison between the two since they come from two completely different era's. Charlie Chaplin relied heavily on sight gags without sound of any kind and to this day any comedian will tell you that he is their idol.

Side: Charlie Chaplin
1 point

Who the hell is Charlie Chaplin?

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Oh, and if you didn't already notice, my tag says "Drew Carey", not "Jim Carey". (;

Side: Drew Carey
1 point

this is a tough one, but honestly if you think about it jim has had a lot more hilarious roles (:

Side: jim

Charlie Chaplin is a classic. His movies are a legacy. Silent movies are great.

Side: jim