
Debate Info

for against
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 for (1)
 against (1)

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rolandnyemah(3) pic

core education

core education


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 1

Define what you mean by "core education". Because i'm not sure what you mean by that.

Side: for
1 point

If this mean common core then, It's basically degrading the value of knowing how to do mental math, the problem is most kids get the basics and can solve math equations in their head, which really is what math is. But now if a child is unable to explain the entire theory on why their answer is correct than it is dismissed. Math classes are essentially becoming number based English classes. I would of course, never suggest English graduates are obsolete, but if we turn today's public school children into mathematicians who can't do math the future doesn't look very bright.

The main idea is deeper learning and exploring, supposedly it will develop life long curiosity in students to want to fully understand everything they hear and learn. But, it will be inhibiting children's ability to do anything unless they know the entire theory, which is pointless anyway if the children can preform mental math. Of course children should know how to show work but this is far to extensive, children are practically required to do proofs to explain multiplication equations.

Side: against