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positive negitive
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:8
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 positive (2)
 negitive (2)

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TheXman22000(36) pic

how does today's hip hop affect today's generation

ive gotten into arguments about whether the hip hop of today has a positive affect or a negitive affect so i want to see how everyone else feel about it and if you think positive say your favorite hiphoper and if possible give reasons


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 4

The youth can relate to the beat and to the lyrics. The older generation should not knock it.

Side: positive
0 points

Hip-Hop can also be a freedom of expression for the people who make it. But when it is a freedom of expression, they are not enforcing our generation to see and hear it.

It depends on us, what we see and hear, and how it influences us.

There are a variety of drugs in front of me, but I will only choose to try that drug, if I want to try it.

So let them make all 'Hip-Hop' they want, but we should decide what we should see and hear.

Side: positive
2 points

Not all of it is bad... Just most of it. It's starting to seem like you don't have to be a good singer or know how to play an instrument to become a star in the music industry. The computers will take care of it for you.

Side: negitive
WaffleIron(51) Clarified
2 points

That sadly seems like the case nearly every time. Even those hip hop artists who can really sing or play an instrument (Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj) jump on the profanity, sampling, violence, drugs wagon. I'm not necessarily against that, I just miss the diversity hip hop has had at different times in music history with people like Nas, Common, Citizen Cope, The Fugees, etc.

Side: positive
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
2 points

I don't really consider Citizen Cope to be hip hop. As far as hip hop or rap goes, I think Atmosphere is pretty good. He actually has decent lyrics. I can't stand Lil Wayne though.

Side: positive
2 points

In my view hip-hop affects today generation in negative side.After listening hip-hop youth generations becomes aggressive and get involved in drug using and drinking alcohol. All this brings to illnesses and death.

Side: negitive