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Debate Score:19
Total Votes:24
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william88(14) pic

is being a vegan healthy for children

IS being a vegan healthy for children who's bodys are stil not mature and fueled with the proper nutrients?


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 10

You can get all the same vitamins and nutrients from a vegan diet as you can from a carnivorous one. Vegans do need to be a little more aware of what they are eating, but when done right it is a much healthier diet than a carnivorous one. "Vegan diets have lower total fat, cholesterol and saturated fat than carnivorous diets. In addition, the American Heart Association cites studies showing that followers of vegan diets have less risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and certain types of cancer."

Supporting Evidence: More info on vegan diets (
Side: yes
1 point

Absolutely! We are natural born herbivores and children should be allowed to eat the diet that was meant for them.

Side: yes

Allow them to eat eggs to. They don't need meat though. When cooked, it has all of that extra trans fat that causes it to be less nutritious than healthy.

Side: yes

I think it is healthy because a child will learn at an early age to eat healthy.

Side: yes
3 points

80% of long term vegans are deficient in vitamin B12, which is needed for proper mental function.


50% of long term vegetarians are deficient in vitamin B12. (

B12 deficiency causes dementia, cognitive impairment, depression, and degenerative mental disorders.(

Kids who eat a vegan diet are deficient in B12 and have impaired brain function. This reverses when they start eating animal products. (

Vegetarians and vegans have lower muscle creatine and carnosine levels. (



Grass-fed meat is higher in omega-3’s, CLA, TVA, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and antioxidants. (







Saturated fat is not associated with cardiovascular disease. This is supported by almost every high quality observational study ever conducted (not that this really matters, since it’s observational data)




Saturated fat does not raise cholesterol levels over time.

( 524.full.pdf)

Saturated fat raises HDL cholesterol, lowers triglycerides, and decreases the oxidation of cholesterol.


Side: no
0 points

It all comes down to eating a balanced diet that gives you the nutrients you need. If you can't get those nutrients through typical foods, then you supplement them. Just because some vegans aren't eating properly, doesn't mean a vegan diet is unhealthy, it just means those vegans weren't eating properly. The same goes for omnivores; If they don't eat a proper diet, they are going to be deficient in things as well. To fix the lack of B12, all a vegan needs to do is take a multi-vitamin or eat foods that have been supplemented with B12 (many foods are, especially vegan ones).

Vegetarians and vegans have lower muscle creatine and carnosine levels.

Again, it's all about eating a balanced diet and supplementing anything that you're not getting enough of. The article about lower muscle creatine even said, "Well-planned, appropriately supplemented vegetarian diets appear to effectively support athletic performance" It also said, "plant and animal protein sources appear to provide equivalent support to athletic training and performance."

Grass-fed meat is higher in omega-3’s, CLA, TVA, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and antioxidants.

Those articles were comparing grass-fed meat to grain-fed meat. They said nothing at all about a vegan diet.

Saturated fat is not associated with cardiovascular disease.

Did someone say it is? My guess is that you are referring to that quote I posted on the "yes" side of the debate, and that you mistakenly connected the statement in the first sentence of the quote with the second sentence. I can see how that could be easily confused. It's not saying that saturated fat causes heart disease, it's just saying that vegan diets are low in saturated fat, and also result in less risk of heart disease, but not necessarily because of the low saturated fat.

Side: yes
nummi(1424) Disputed
1 point

B12 deficiency, obviously...

Side: no
Thoughtz(2) Disputed
1 point

Yes, it Comes down to having a balanced diet. A diet that is tipping the scales with vegetarian only meals that leave you with deficiencies, Is not what I would call a balanced diet.

If you need to take an artificial supplement in order to not have a deficiency, that is not a balanced diet. What do you think people were expected to do before that supplement existed? Humans lived on the Paleo diet, which included animal saturated fat, and vegetables. A balanced diet is not just a vegetarian diet because it is not healthy for you, nor natural. You need saturated fats from animal fats for an optimal diet. Especially omega 3's.

MCT oil is fantastic for this, you can convert this to energy with little to no digestive process. I pointed out how a pure vegan diet isn't healthy for kids. You have to supplement it just for it to work. In other words your have to pretend you are on a different diet.

Can you do this? I guess, but why would you when you can do it in a more healthy and natural way. I care for the treatment. I only eat grass fed animal, open range vegetarian chicken and farmed eggs. Grass fed butter and MCT oil and I eat alot of organic kale salads.

You should really check out the Bulletproof diet. I teach Jiu-Jitsu and depend on health and stamina. I have to cut weight and can tell the difference between what diets work and don't work and what allows you to loose weight and retain or even improve energy.

But everybody is different, if it works for you, go for it.=)

I tried pure vegan diets, and I lost weight, yeah, but my cardio was horrible, I felt lethargic and couldn't handle intense workouts without a supplement... That told me my body needed something more that a pure vegan diet was providing. It was unnatural for my body to just eat that.

Side: no
2 points

Must be really stupid to think it is healthy. We are omnivores!

Side: no
1 point

Prince Fielder is a vegan, and look where he is today.

Side: no
1 point

No, it is not. In my opinion, being a vegan is not healthy at all, especially for children. They need the whole list of vitamins, but they will not get them if they eliminate meat from they ration. Even if vegans say that they replace meat with something equall, it is not so. Nowhere else you can't find protein as in meat. That's why children shouldn't be vegans!

Side: no