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 is money neccesary (3)

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is money neccesary

money rules...but is that normal

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Money is not necessary...., unless you want to eat and a place you call home and a car and phone service, etc. ;)

1 point

Yes, money as a concept is needed for any complex society to exist. A form of easily transferable currency makes buying and selling possible, rather than trading actual resources which would be inconvenient to say the least.

In addition, people's faith in the value of money is essential for any sort of economy to exist.

As for whether money is necessary for a given individual, that is completely down to the person in question since it would be difficult to argue from any objective point of reference. It is possible for a human to survive even today without money, so in the literal sense, no money is NOT necessary.

Side: Yes as a concept

Money does rule in our contemporary times. Without money, one would have to go homeless and depend on shelters for food and housing.

Side: Yes as a concept