
Debate Info

yes, the USA wants war no, the USA does not want it
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 yes, the USA wants war (1)
 no, the USA does not want it (2)

Debate Creator

ironman34698(235) pic

is the USA trying to start world war 3?

With the United States starting wars all over the globe, and sanctioning Russia, bombing Syria and surrounding both Russia and China with anti missile batteries and naval power, along with other seemingly antagonizing political moves is the USA desiring full scale war? 

yes, the USA wants war

Side Score: 2

no, the USA does not want it

Side Score: 4

With the sanctions against Russia, the attempt to take out Assad, a Russian ally, the Ukraine civil war, the positioning of anti missile defenses and naval power around both Russia and China and many political attempts to isolate them both it appears that the U.S. is provoking them both into a war. both Russia and China are trading between themselves without the dollar and are dumping US debt at an alarming rate. China is refusing to take on anymore U.S. debt and it appears the drums of war are beating. If things stay the way they are, with China eventually surpassing the USA as the world economic leader and America with insurmountable debt, it is only a matter of time before the US loses its status as the world's sole superpower.

Side: yes, the USA wants war
2 points

No. If we wanted to start WWIII we'd just drop a nuke on Moscow and Beijing.

Side: no, the USA does not want it
2 points

Probably not, but it does seem like it!

I personally don't know what we'd gain from it, but I guess that's why I'm just a simple farm boy and not some political genius.

Side: no, the USA does not want it