
Debate Info

yes we need change no it has to be this way
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 yes we need change (1)
 no it has to be this way (1)

Debate Creator

feelingtruth(2774) pic

life is easy

but we have made it difficult

as organisms, all we have done so far is trapped ourselves in halted progress (the vast majority, has, at least)

What do you think of this? 

what i am talking about is going to white collar jobs, people say, oh it must be done! No, it really DOESNT have to be done 

yes we need change

Side Score: 1

no it has to be this way

Side Score: 1
1 point

Life is generally easy, however, this is more of a matter of perspective and position. Life may be relatively easy for a man who does not have to work, however has sustained a constant amount of money, and does not receive hardships from others. Another man may be poor, working 2 jobs, with only a maximum of 6 hours of sleep, with no social ties that is not a part of his job. Even so, the man who works 2 jobs and is poor may be enjoying life, thinking other's have it harder, and so he may see life as easy for him. The man with no hardships may think life is hard because nobody would give him hardships, and so he may think that nobody trusts him with anything.

Side: yes we need change

It is imperative that everyone be happy just the way they are.

Side: no it has to be this way