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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 mk ultra (3)

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Rs570332Rs(3) pic

mk ultra

so do you think this project is still in use? if anyone can help me that would be awesome
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Whats the point in continuing it ? They got nothing good out of the experiment. Everything went to shit and it was exposed. Everyone looked like a fool and some drugs slipped out. Some people went crazy. Some died. The project is just a meh to me. What we really should focus on is the projects that the government would be working on even if it was "canceled."

1 point

Project MK Ultra has been shutdown for over three decades.

But make no mistake....the government is still doing mind control on US citizens. Some of them are used as patsies in what we call False Flag Ops.

James Holmes of Batman killer fame is a fairly recent example of this whom you may be familiar with.

The DARPA is one of the prime agencies involved in mind well as Psy Ops.