
Debate Info

fix trash
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 fix (1)
 trash (4)

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demosthenes0(48) pic

obama care... fix it or trash it.


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 4

It can be fixed (adjusted) but it should stay because millions can now afford medical insurance who not afford it before.

Side: fix
1 point

Does anyone know of a 2000+ page bill that actually works? I have not seen it yet, might be out there but I don't know.

The idea that dumping a million regulations on the medical and insurance industry is somehow going to make premiums go down is foolish. The idea that you can get more for less (or free) is foolish.

What they should be doing is attacking the main source of health care which is liability. Hospitals should be made to compete for customers (patients) to bring patients the best value, instead of making backroom deals with government agents and representatives. Customers should somehow be influenced to make marketplace type choices in health are without jeopardizing their health care.

I think Ben Carson is the man with the answers here, I really like what I have heard from him. I think the HSA is the answer, but there needs to be some kind of safety net..

How bout this, everyone is taxed x% of your income and put into your own HSA. The only thing you can do with that money is use it, transfer it, or donate it to a national pool for a income tax write off. Dependents automatically drain their parent/guardian's pool. If you over spend your HSA you still get health care, but you will be in debt to the pool. If you are in debt to the pool your income get taxed at a higher rate until you are back to even. If you die in debt to the pool it can be collected from your estate. This is a replacement for medicare so seniors get money put into their accounts from medicare payments (which would be a one time influx of a lot f national debt... But hopefully it is just one time)

Desired effects

- safety nets

- encouraging charity

- market competitive health care

That would be what, a 15 page bill? Probably horribly flawed but still better than Obamacare!!!

Oh, just one more thing, all malpractice lawsuit payouts go to your HSA! Except for lost wages.

Side: trash
AngryGenX(463) Clarified
1 point

Oh, last but not least! No more endless god damn commercials for scooters for fatasses, chair lifts, catheters and diabedis (sic) supplies! "We'll send you this scooter for free! We'll do all the paperwork and bill medicare for free! We'll charge 10x as much as it is worth and have money left over to run these commercials 24-7 for free!!! Thanks millennials, grandma loves you(r somewhat respectable national credit rating)!"

Side: fix
1 point

Trash it! Too many taxes for too many things! Plus, it gives corporations an incentive to push employees to Obamacare...a horrible thing!

Side: trash

It's actually is making people work more harder and have more then one job just to get their 40 a week.

Side: trash

It's sad how people have to work more jobs just to get their 40.

Side: trash