
Debate Info

they are babies let them be
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:23
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 they are babies (9)
 let them be (9)

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Sickology(392) pic

people are too childish

they are babies

Side Score: 12

let them be

Side Score: 11
2 points

true. if they are big they deserve to be thrown into jail

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: they are babies
2 points

some watch this show at the age of nine.They must be mad.

Side: they are babies
jonathangoh(1724) Clarified
1 point

May I ask. What show is it? Snoopy? phineas and ferb?

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: they are babies
1 point

Its phineas and ferb .

Side: they are babies
2 points

say haha to them say haha to them

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: they are babies

Sorry, but can you change your profile pic,bro, it is too gross

Side: they are babies
Sickology(392) Clarified
1 point

Yes, I have changed mine into an even funnier and gross pic for you, bro. Happy looking!

Side: they are babies

What 50 char limit ?

Side: they are babies
1 point

What 50 char limit ?

Side: they are babies
2 points

let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be let them be

Side: let them be
Sickology(392) Disputed
1 point

I quit !

Side: they are babies
Sickology(392) Disputed
1 point

actually, both options are the same .

Side: let them be

no people are too adultish, we should never leave our child roots behind, children are innocent, full of joy, observation, wonder, awe, mystery.... why would you want to lose these qualities to the slave driven machine? no thx

Side: let them be

People are too childish, but the important question is: what would you propose to do about it? People grow at different rates. I always found one of those most truly idiotic things that people say to both children and adults is "Grow up!". "Grow up," as if by saying these magic words one's stunted development is supposed to magically undo itself.

People are whoever they are for a reason. To the extent that we choose who we become, we must first recognize the choice. No one wakes up in the morning and says "today, I'm going to be an asshole; today, I'm going to be unbelievably insecure; today, I'm going to behave in an immature fashion." No matter how insane or chaotic they are it makes sense to them. Even when they recognize dysfunction in their lives, they are often at a loss on how to change it.

Telling people that they're too childish isn't going to change anything.

Side: let them be
1 point

i don't know some people are too childish and some are becoming adult since from the chidhood time .there mind are grow up and able to solve any difficult problems.

Side: let them be
1 point

I've seen people having an"okto"file in their bags. Yucks !

Side: let them be

An adult with a child's mind is a happy person and the mind of that person is a beautiful one.

Side: let them be