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hamez(9) pic

Which is more important: how others see us or how we see ourselves?

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1 point

I beleive it should be how we see ourselves! But, often it is how others see us, or the perception of how others see us being the driver of our actions.

1 point

many state that how others see us due to ones image. Someone who doesn't portray a good image wouldnt get much opportunities perhaps lets say at a job interview. We live under a society where the norm is based on how others view us

1 point

I think that how we see ourselves is more important. Everyone in the world could think you're a wonderful human being, but if you don't, that's what counts. I believe in that cliché that you have to love yourself first, before anyone else can really love you.

It doesn't matter what others think, it is what I think. What other people think of you shouldn't matter.