
Debate Info

Yes it should be banned no it should not be banned
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Yes it should be banned (2)
 no it should not be banned (8)

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TRICOM(16) pic

should petrol be banned for some years to conserve it for the future generation???

as we know the rising pertrol prices in india has shaken almost every house!! it has spoilt d budget of every house!! so giezz what do u think ?? shudnt petrol be banned for some years to conserve it nand to also lower its price!! and alternative sources of energy should be used!!

Yes it should be banned

Side Score: 2

no it should not be banned

Side Score: 8
1 point

according to me yes petrol should be banned as it is a gr8 idea 2 conserve it for the future generation

Side: Yes it should be banned
1 point

There should be a law passed. If there is somewhere you need to travel, and you are above the age of 15 and (optional) below the age of 60, then bikes should be used. If, you are unfit, too old/young, have a disability, then cars are then permitted. This way, we'd half the consumption of petrol, and all together become a much fitter nation. If you are too young to cycle, ask a parent/guardian to pop you on the back, and cycle to your destination. If it's too far away, then you may use a car. I haven't thought this through, so if there are faults ( i am sure there are) i will find a resolution to them!

Side: Yes it should be banned
1 point

noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it should not be banned becuse if it is banned a lot of vehicles on the road which run on petrol woulh go futile!!!

Side: no it should not be banned
1 point

No, because once it's out the idiots who control the energy market have to concentrate on other energy sources. The only reason why we still use so much petrol is because the greedy idiots who run the market are swimming in money. There are already and have been for decades cheaper, better, cleaner energy sources. And those idiots have done everything in their power to stop the advancement of those energy sources, and since they have so much money they literally can do everything.

Side: no it should not be banned
1 point

You said a point that I wanted to include in mine for me pretty much, cheers :)

Side: no it should not be banned
1 point

No, because now we haven't really good alternative energy source. Besides, if we stop to use petrol, we should start to use another energy source which can be at least on the same level with petrol and have more benefits. Therefore, why future generations should use petrol if they already have energy source?

Side: no it should not be banned
1 point

no it should not be banned- future generations are going to laugh derisively at our internal combustion engines, lol

Side: no it should not be banned
1 point

Say we did so, in the years it would be banned, out of necessity, we will come up with something to replace it. Once such a ban is expired, that petrol will have no real use.

Side: no it should not be banned
1 point

No petrolium should not be banned because our society needs it to distribute goods across the country. The people in this country need petrolium to get to work in their vehicles. Petrolium will never be banned.

Side: no it should not be banned
1 point

No petrol should not be banned, there are other sources of energy that the oil companies literally have ready as soon as petrol runs out, so we may as well use it all and not save any for future generations. The price of petrol will go up and up till we finally run out, but that's how the world works, people will complain about the prices, but that's what happens with anything rare, the quicker we get through this petrol, the quicker we get to the renewable and hopefully cheaper energy resources.

Side: no it should not be banned