
Debate Info

Why you should why you shouldnt
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Why you should (2)
 why you shouldnt (1)

Debate Creator

KelsieBrooke(4) pic

texting during school

Should students be allowed to use their cell phones during school ?

Why you should

Side Score: 2

why you shouldnt

Side Score: 1
1 point

I think so, as long its for health and relative emergency purposes. But, if you use it for cheating and the likes, then its not good use. Because if you do that for cheating, then you wouldn't learn anyway.

Side: Why you should
1 point

as long as they are doing there work and meeting the grades/marks they need there shouldnt be a problem, but main reason i would say yes is for medical reasons and family problems

Side: Why you should

Cell phone texting is annoying in the classroom and is going to cause a distraction.

Side: why you shouldnt