
Debate Info

class project it is not to be banned
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 class project (2)
 it is not to be banned (3)

Debate Creator

shan(12) pic

the use of cellphhones should be banned by all students

it is of big help in school



class project

Side Score: 2

it is not to be banned

Side Score: 4
1 point

Yes they should, because they can text private stuff and its not nice and you could also start rumors, and it could also hurt the person you saying that stuff about.

Side: class project
1 point

I agree I had that happen to me and it DOES NOTT FEEL GOOD. i speak from experiance

Side: class project
2 points

I don't think cell phones should be banned by all students because if a fire breaks out in a school how are the parents going to know about their kids?

If students don't have cell phones in school all the students would be lining up at the school phone and there would be a huge line of people waiting to be call their parents. If you have a cell phone you could easily call your parents.

Side: it is not to be banned
1 point

no ! they should just be banned of being used but not banned from being brought to school cause you never know wen an emergency will brake out

Side: it is not to be banned

A cell phone can be taken to school but a student should not be allowed to text or call someone while the teacher is giving the lesson.

Side: it is not to be banned