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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:5
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DEL245315(92) pic

what will George W. Bush legacy be and why?

or between and please explain


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 3
1 point

Believe it or not, Bush will be seen as the man who opened up the Muslim Middle East to freedom and democracy. All the countries now like Egypt, Libya, and even Iran saw the brutal dictator Saddam Hussein get toppled. They want the same thing for themselves and are doing it themselves with Bush's original venture into Iraq as their inspiration.

Side: good
1 point

All the goddamn wars he started and the thousands of babies falsely bombed in the process. He'll be remembered for that deffinetly. He is an intelligent man, no doubt. But then again so was Hitler...

Side: bad
1 point

All the goddamn wars he started and the thousands of babies falsely bombed in the process. He'll be remembered for that deffinetly. He is an intelligent man, no doubt. But then again so was Stalin...

Side: bad

His legacy will be that he caused the recession and that he was a warmonger.

Side: bad