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AntiHuman's Reward Points: -1

Points When What Where
0 Created Debate killkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkill
0 Created Debate I am an evil genius and I will exterminate the human race.
0 Added Argument I once baked a human baby in a prick oven and fed it to a walrus
0 Created Debate I once baked a human baby in a prick oven and fed it to a walrus
1 Added Argument Republicans are anti Communist. See? It's in the name. Anti Communist
-1 Downvoted Argument ANTIFA is NOT anti-fascist, but Hitlers National Socialists absolutely WERE socialists
-1 Downvoted Argument ANTIFA is NOT anti-fascist, but Hitlers National Socialists absolutely WERE socialists
-1 Downvoted Argument ANTIFA is NOT anti-fascist, but Hitlers National Socialists absolutely WERE socialists
-1 Downvoted Argument ANTIFA is NOT anti-fascist, but Hitlers National Socialists absolutely WERE socialists
-1 Downvoted Argument ANTIFA is NOT anti-fascist, but Hitlers National Socialists absolutely WERE socialists
-1 Downvoted Argument ANTIFA is NOT anti-fascist, but Hitlers National Socialists absolutely WERE socialists
0 Added Argument Humans are evil and stupid and gay and should be exterminated

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