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tigerseye's Reward Points: 44

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Which of the following sci-fi characters would make the best life coach?
1 Added Argument who do you think should be the ruler of the world
1 Added Argument Things to do with/to a baby.
4 Added Argument Do you think that playing violent video game makes you violent?
5 Created Debate Do you think that playing violent video game makes you violent?
1 Added Argument Better place to vacation (Alaska or Europe)
1 Added Argument الحياة مملة حتى عندما كنت تعرف لغة واحدة فقط.
1 Added Argument Someone on here who cannot debate will learn the same lessons that I did.
5 Created Debate Do you agree with "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer?
1 Added Argument Should parents use a squirt gun to discipline their children?
1 Added Argument Children should start learning at least one foreign language in the first grade.
1 Added Argument Should smoking be illegal
2 Added Argument Roblox or Minecraft

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