
2RS8's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 2RS8's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Excess of anything is harmful. so is the case with using Internet.If you are stick to only social networking sites,then definitely you are wasting your time. but,if you are using it creatively then net can be Panacea. Now a days, Internet can be treated as the best source of knowledge,you can read/download hundreds of good book, ask experts about any thing,enhance your skills,use Internet to improve your academics. It just depends on you whether you want to waste your time or efficiently use it.

1 point

the tread of keeping a cellphone was not present 1-2 years ago.Now a days, having a cellphone is like a status symbol,everyone wants to flaunt about which model/company cellphone they carry.

What is the use of cellphone in school????

if there is an emergency schools provides phone to use in such situations. In fact carrying a cellphone, will only distract the students,they will pay less attention in class thus not utilizing the school time for improving themselves.

0 points

twilight is good and impressive, but Harry Potter is far more interesting, exciting ,entertaining then Twilight. J.K Rowling's work is outstanding. I am happy to be attached to Harry Potter series.

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