
542439's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

Did anyone know that or joke for a president has got us into more debt in 3 years than bush did in 8? I don't think he should be re-elected because look at what he has done to this country. He has made it worse and if he does get re-elected he will make the country even worst than it all ready is. So no he should no get re-elected.he can try to get a new job and not try to ruin our country. My teacher said the Congress is making all the laws but he is telling them to do the laws. he is just giving out money like it grows on trees. like when he wanted to rebuild the old schools like my school (K.O. KNUDSON) and he wanted to rebuild Bridges across ed the states.Yes he got elected for many reasons. He campaigned on lies...He made promises he did not keep and we are not a stupid people....we can see him today a different person. he wanted change....we got it. And the majority of the population do not support him any longer. We do not want same sex marriage, we do not want his health care package, we do not want his socialist ideals governing us. He was elected because he was half black. Millions of people voted color and had no idea what he was all about. We have many capable blacks in our country who had experience who would have made a great president....Obama was not the right person for the job. He duped and succeeded in convincing the country he was someone else. He still has not released his school or medical records....Why? He just now came forward with some new birth certificate....all of a sudden....why not back during the campaign? But people who voted for him did not care about his views. This is hilarious and shows exactly how and why he got elected. This was only one segment of the population exposed.

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