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Debate Score:227
Total Votes:304
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Should Obama be re-elected?


Side Score: 121


Side Score: 106
7 points

I can think of no reason to re-elect Obama and can only pray that the Republican Party can find a decent candidate to run against him.

Side: No
4 points

I don't care if they dig up Moe Howard...I'd rather vote for him.

Side: No

More and more government isn't the solution. As we can see already, this is the case. America needs to stop the hair of the dog spending and consumerism, and start savings and investing.

Side: No
4 points

That's an interesting thought--"and start savings and investing." Care to expand on that? I've never taken a formal course on economics, and the idea of a nation investing never occurred to me as anything realistic...could that actually work?

Still, though, the government serves a number of really important functions, like education and maintaining infrastructure. I'm not sure how much more spending it can cut without harming the public--we're already seeing huge cuts to education...

Side: Yes

the idea of a nation investing never occurred to me as anything realistic...could that actually work?

Savings and investment in private hands, and not government. Those services provided by government known as public infrastructure struggle because they don't operate within the coordinating forces of the market.

"The consequences of government spending can only be properly assessed within the framework of market coordination. If socialized investment is truly warranted, then the results of the investment must be better than the result that would have occurred had those same resources been economized by individuals on the market.

In other words, the government's method of deciding on investments would either have to enjoy the same characteristics as the market's, and the government a better entrepreneur, or the government's method would itself have to be in some way superior. We can rule out the latter option on the grounds that we know that the only method of economic calculation is by individuals through the pricing process. Therefore, government investment is inherently inferior to free-market investment."

Supporting Evidence: (
Side: No
1 point

Education should be cut all together. It's not the government's job to care for our kids. It is ours. We should ether home school them, or send them to privet school. We can cut trillions more.

Side: No
4 points

He made a lot of promises that are still unfulfilled. He was hyped. He claims that his policies worked and it is them cuza which the worse was stopped. Well.. I severely doubt. He was inexperienced. There has to be a better hand now!

Side: No
3 points

I think everyone knows where I stand on this issue.

Side: No
4 points

Hell no?

Side: No
3 points

Is Obama so stupid or narcissistic he’ll continue digging the hole he’s in? Time will tell.

I’m not going to watch the State of the Union promise-a-thon and robotic applause. Uncle Sam is broke, and getting worse. So I don’t want to hear about getting more goodies from Washington, I want to know what (if anything) they’ll do about stopping the bleeding before you people end up like the Weimar Republic.

Side: Neutral
3 points

Obama’s greatest achievement…writing books about guess who? Barack Obama. He is a master manipulator and lied before the election and continues to do that today. He never would come clean about birth certificate until Trump went after him…then all of a sudden one pops up. ???? Was he really born in America?

He consistently lied about the war. In 2008 after the Democratic convention he stated that we had an “absolute obligation” to stay in Iraq that it would be a disservice to all who lost their lives there. ”The failure of the Iraqi state would be a disaster,” he said at a lunch sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor. “It would dishonor the 900-plus men and women who have already died. . . . It would be a betrayal of the promise that we made to the Iraqi people, and it would be hugely destabilizing from a national security perspective.” Yet he took a different stance while campaigning. He said one of the first things he would do would be to bring all the troops home and end the war. We all know that…that did not happen.

Is he, was he ever a Muslim? Well……he would like you to believe that he was not…but he has given many different answers to this question. Was he a constitutional law professor? He stated that he was and that’s why he knew the law better than Bush. That was a lie however as he was only a senior lecturer.

He can’t give a speech (with or without a teleprompter) and when he does its full of errors. Remember the Kansas tornado tragedy? He stated for the record that over 10,000 people died that an entire town was destroyed. Actually the town was ok and only 12 died.

He can’t figure out whether he is for decriminalizing pot or against it. He says what the audience wants to hear and did that to get votes. In a presidential debate he sided with most the other Demos…said he was against it. BUT later in a speech in Illinois to college students he said the opposite as he did in a debate at Northwestern University.

He lied about his pastor Rev. Wright (uncle to him, who baptized him and Michele and just happens to be godfather to his girls)….he never heard all those anti-white speeches, not a one.

And then there is Tony Rezko…..and Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn….and his staff who are self admitted socialists.

He said he never took a dime from a Washington lobbyist. Lie he did.

Then he lied about tax cuts….denies attacking small businesses……all while he was raking in money, political contributions from those associated with Fannie and Freddie.

Tell me what he has ever done for the middle class?

He hates Israel. Gee I wonder why? Maybe because he bowed to a Saudi King, maybe because he studied the Koran when he attended Islamic schools….oh yes that’s right he is Christian.

He sure did not learn history at Harvard. He has no idea how many states there are in the United States where he just happens to be commander in chief.

This video says it all.

Who in their right mind would vote for him?

Side: No
saprophetic(389) Disputed
2 points

Yes, who would vote for him? A large percentage of your own country's citizens, apparently. Unless I'm mistaken about America's democratic system.

Side: yes
churchmouse(325) Disputed
3 points

Yes he got elected for many reasons. He campaigned on lies...He made promises he did not keep and we are not a stupid people....we can see him today a different person. he wanted change....we got it. And the majority of the population do not support him any longer. We do not want same sex marriage, we do not want his health care package, we do not want his socialist ideals governing us. He was elected because he was half black. Millions of people voted color and had no idea what he was all about. We have many capable blacks in our country who had experience who would have made a great president....Obama was not the right person for the job. He duped and succeeded in convincing the country he was someone else. He still has not released his school or medical records....Why? He just now came forward with some new birth certificate....all of a sudden....why not back during the campaign? But people who voted for him did not care about his views.

This is hilarious and shows exactly how and why he got elected. This was only one segment of the population exposed.

Side: No
1 point

This is slightly discriminating against religion. You are talking like being a Muslim is a bad thing?

Side: No
churchmouse(325) Disputed
3 points

Well I am a Christian so of course I believe the truth lies in Christ, not the denial of Him. I don't believe there are many truths when it comes to salvation. So I think all other views are wrong, that includes Islam. Everyone discriminates to a certain point. What do you think the answer would be if you asked this same question to a Muslim, especially one living in the Middle East? Do you think you would get tolerance towards Christianity? The two faiths are polar opposites...they both cant be the has to be wrong. I believe Christ is the Son of God....they do NOT. I do not hate them, God commands me to love even my enemy.

Side: yes
3 points

Absolutely not. He has not done one thing to help our country get out of our economic woes, he has not displayed ANY leadership throughout the debt ceiling, budget debates, or congressional issues, he ram-rodded through Congress the most partisan piece of legislation this nation has ever seen in ObamaCare while at the same time calling for Republicans to embrace bipartisanship, and is sending more troops to Afghanistan after promising to take them out.

Get him out of there.

Side: No
3 points

No. Where is all this "change" He's promised our country. Yes it takes time but in his entire time in office our country has NOT changed for the good of anyone really. Yeah Obama it is time for a change. Let's start by taking you out of office. One of the good things he did was his speech at the correspondents dinner in April when he shed comedy on the situation with his birth certificate. One of the only times a politian has truely made me laugh from wit and cleverness.

Side: No
3 points

A jobless economic recovery.....unemployment numbers going up not down.

When he took office all he cared about was the Health Care issue...he concentrated on that....which today is a fiasco and the American people do not want it.

He said war would end troops will come home. He lied. Now he is pledging that they come home a year from two months from ELECTION. He is a master manipulator.

He never delivered the positive change he promised. His change is NOT what the American people expected and wanted.

He has a socialist vision for America and has employed socialist czars to carry it out. Look at the list of self confessed socialist friends he has and has appointed.

Side: No
2 points

I don't agree with his involvement in Libya at all. I also hate the history of the underground democratic party. Not to say republicans are much better. The democrats always think they know what people need even more than the people.

Side: No

Maybe this will be viewed as a hateful comment but it definitely not intended that way, i hope Obama isnt re-elected, i hope some nutball right winger like Palin gets elected cause then the world will be forced to sit and take notice of americas hanus actions, as im sure foreign policy (and atrocities) will only increase under the tenure of some gun toting republican.

Side: No
churchmouse(325) Disputed
1 point

Sure you intended it that way, you most certainly did, by the slams you made.

Obama is the nutball. He is a liar.

Now I don't know where you are from...but if you are an American...I will personally pay for a ONE WAY TICKET just for you if agree to leave the country and NEVER COME BACK. Then you can live in one of those perfect countries that rely on America to come to their defense every time something happens. Yes, go live in Iraq where there are no atrocities and where you can enjoy freedom to say whatever you want. Go to a country where you can't own a defend yourself.

I tell ya people like you make my stomach bash America and would be the first one to hide behind one of our servicemen if we were attacked. You obviously love Obama....tell me, has he BROUGHT ALL THE TROOPS HOME LIKE HE PROMISED? Is American presence gone from the Middle East, like he said would happen? Gun toting? Didn't Obama join in on the attack against Libya? Who was totin a gun then skippy?

All the men and women who have died since he took over president he is responsible for. The blood is on HIS HANDS NOW. Where are those outspoken democrats who voted for him because they were told, no promised, that he would END THE WAR?

Side: yes

Obama was just lucky he got osama. And he made the country drowning in dept and lost lost a huge number of jobs. And the cost of fuel is high because of his huge tax on oil.

Side: No
1 point

Did anyone know that or joke for a president has got us into more debt in 3 years than bush did in 8? All democraps give this arguement about usama: Obama got him. Ok well why did it take him over 16 hours to say "go get him" when he knew that they could immediatley and they were waiting for a command? He is destroying our country inside and out and you democraps are defending him? how stupid can you get! CUT spending, CAP debt and balance the damn budget why is that so freakin hard to understand!? FORGET THE DEBT CEILING! whats the point in having a freakin limit if all your gonna do is raise it? How is spending more money going to help our debt that makes NOOO sense and dems will say "we will go bankrupt" HELLO we have been pretty much with over 14 trillion dollars in debt! Jobs? give me a break the only jobs obama baby has made is for the freakin foreigners, hell they have more freakin rights than we do! they get our jobs but they dont have to speak english? However a real American looking for work can't get one because.....why? Ronald Reagan restored America's honor after Carter, who will after obama?

Side: No
1 point

He hasn't C.H.A.N.G.E.D. our country at all!!! We are stuck in a crappy position and our economy is sinking!!! We are in trouble and Obama hasn't done what he promised to do. Plain and simple. End of story.

Side: No
1 point

Did anyone know that or joke for a president has got us into more debt in 3 years than bush did in 8? I don't think he should be re-elected because look at what he has done to this country. He has made it worse and if he does get re-elected he will make the country even worst than it all ready is. So no he should no get re-elected.he can try to get a new job and not try to ruin our country. My teacher said the Congress is making all the laws but he is telling them to do the laws. he is just giving out money like it grows on trees. like when he wanted to rebuild the old schools like my school (K.O. KNUDSON) and he wanted to rebuild Bridges across ed the states.Yes he got elected for many reasons. He campaigned on lies...He made promises he did not keep and we are not a stupid people....we can see him today a different person. he wanted change....we got it. And the majority of the population do not support him any longer. We do not want same sex marriage, we do not want his health care package, we do not want his socialist ideals governing us. He was elected because he was half black. Millions of people voted color and had no idea what he was all about. We have many capable blacks in our country who had experience who would have made a great president....Obama was not the right person for the job. He duped and succeeded in convincing the country he was someone else. He still has not released his school or medical records....Why? He just now came forward with some new birth certificate....all of a sudden....why not back during the campaign? But people who voted for him did not care about his views. This is hilarious and shows exactly how and why he got elected. This was only one segment of the population exposed.

Side: yes
1 point

When a leader makes promises and fails to keep them, he should not be reelected. Obama claimed that if he failed to turn the economy around by the end of his first term, he would not run again. The economy has continued to flounder, yet Obama now seeks reelection. His charm and speaking ability is undeniable, yet so are his inadequacies as President of the United States.

Side: No
0 points

No, he is a scam. He can't even do things straight and is full of pride. He can't admit that he is wrong when he is.

I also love how he's spent millions on his family vacations. Oh, and the what is it? 40 personal maids the first lady has? What a black bimbo.

Side: No
97sgamez(1) Clarified
1 point

u dont know what your talking about. gffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

Side: No
0 points

Was has he done that is beneficial? His "Jobs Plan" covers about four months of our countries debt. -_- he sucks

Side: No
6 points

I'm not liking the Republican line-up at all. It's filled with fruit cakes, ding bats, and nut jobs. I'll only vote Republican when one of the sane ones decides to crawl out of the corner and lay his hat in, which he won't, because sane Republicans are nearly extinct...

Side: yes
braydens24(20) Disputed
2 points

Fruit cakes, ding bats, and nut jobs? What a well thought-out, mature classification. But since you provided no evidence, I have to ask: what about them makes them fruit cakes, ding bats, and nut jobs?

Side: No
chatturgha(1619) Disputed
2 points

Simple: Listen to some of them talk. Listen to Fox News talk about them. Listen to popular people among them talk, like Sarah Palin or Newt Gingrich.

Given, Newt isn't stupid, though he's a little evil, almost like Dick Cheney. But, if you listen to many of them and are not dumbfounded by some of the blasphemous crap that comes out of their mouths, then I have no idea what false logic you follow, because there are indeed many, many, too many Republicans that are just saying things that you'd expect to be uttered by mentally traumatized and disabled people.

Disclaimer: I do not deny that there are smart Republicans. There are. But they are dying out, becoming rare, and not even considering themselves apart of the party a lot of the time.

Side: yes
fancyod(14) Disputed
2 points

"[Paul Revere] did warn the British. And in a shout-out, gotcha-type of question that was asked of me,

I answered candidly. And I know my American history." --Sarah Palin, defending her botched Paul Revere history lesson by taking issue with the reporter, who simply asked her "What have you seen so far today, and what are you going to take away from your visit?" (Fox News Sunday interview, June 5, 2011)He who warned, uh, the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells, and um, makin' sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed."

--Sarah Palin, on Paul Revere's midnight ride, June 3, 2011"I love that smell of the emissions!" --Sarah

Palin, at a motorcycle rally in Washington, D.C., where she rode in on a Harley, May 29, 2011 "I haven't heard the president state that we're at war. That's why I too am not knowing -- do we use the term intervention? Do we use war? Do we use squirmish? What is it?" --Sarah Palin, on the U.S. and NATO bombing of Libya, March 29, 2011

Glenn Beck, misspelling 'oligarchy' on his chalk board while claiming he had deciphered a secret code that he said was proof President Obama was trying to create an 'Oligarhy,''' Glenn Beck show on FOX

News Channel, Aug. 27, 2009

Glenn Beck Insane-O-Matic Quote Generator

''This is a moment, quite honestly, that I think we reclaim the civil rights movement. It has been so distorted and so turned upside down because we must repair honor and integrity first, I tell you right now. We are on the right side of history. We are on the side of individual freedoms and liberties, and damn it, we will reclaim the civil rights moment. We will take that movement, because we were the people that did it in the first place. ''

—Glenn Beck, on his march on Washington, which he held on the anniversary of Martin Luther

King's ''I Have a Dream'' speech, Fox News, May 26, 2010

'This president I think has exposed himself over and over again as a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture....I'm not saying he doesn't like white people, I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist.''

—Glenn Beck, on President Obama, sparking an advertiser exodus from his FOX News show, July 28,


''African-American is a bogus, PC, made-up term. I mean, that's not a race. Your ancestry is from Africa and now you live in America.''

—Glenn Beck, on his radio show, Jan. 7, 2010

'The only [Katrina victims] we're seeing on television are the scumbags.''

''Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas.''

—Rep. Michelle Bachmann, April, 2009

''Exercise freaks ... are the ones putting stress on the health care system.''

—Rush Limbaugh, June 12, 2009

''We need to execute people like (John Walker Lindh) in order to physically intimidate liberals.''

—Ann Coulter

'As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where— where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border.''

—Sarah Palin, explaining why Alaska's proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy experience,

interview with CBS's Katie Couric, Sept. 24, 2008

Side: yes
1 point

Obama would destroy the economy. I've already told you why. I hate you, Chatturgha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: No
chatturgha(1619) Disputed
2 points

Obama hasn't destroyed the economy though, our wars have. And our rampant corporations.

You know what does destroy the economy? Reaganomics.

I hate you to. Asshole.

Side: yes
chatturgha(1619) Disputed
2 points

By the way, I can play the downvote game to, dipshit.

How about you actually give a good argument instead of hiding behind a button.

Side: yes
churchmouse(325) Disputed
1 point

And what do you make then of Obamas miserable and failed presidency? Oh here come the excuses.


Hey you got to check this out.....its hilarious and shows how stupid Obama REALLY IS, that he can't say anything without a prompter. Also shows his educational level.

"The bomb (singular) that fell on Pearl Harbor."

"I had an uncle who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps." The problem being...American troops did not liberate Aucshwitz, the Soviet Read Army did.

"On this memorial day as this nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heros, I see many of them here today." But doesn't Memorial day honor the dead, those who served and died WHILE IN MILITARY SERVICE ?

And how could 1965 events result in a 1961 birth? Obama the storyteller. Does not need teleprompter to feed lies.

And then when he talked about Hugo Chavez (his close friend) he got dates wrong when accusing Bush of things....when he was not even president, Clinton was.

Then there is his expertise in geography.

"In the last fifteen months...we have traveled to every corner of the United States. I have traveled to , lets see....uh....57 states with one left to go...with the exception of Alaska and Hawaii. So total that up.....57+1+1+ 1 left to go. ....60 American states wow...what a Harvard education he got.

And he pronounces Massatoosits........just like that.

"Eau Claire is a beautiful state" I believe its a city, he better check his map or better yet fire his speech writer.

He doesn't even know what states border eachother.

And in Sioux Falls South a rally he calls them Siox CITY. He doesn't even know the difference.

So he can't get facts straight how about his knowledge of figures?

Like the tragedy in Kansas where he said the entire town was wiped out 10,000 people died. Only twelve died.

He is simply an idot..who got elected by people who did not care what changes he made.

Then he says that he will be serving as president for 10 years. He doesn't even know how long a term is.

And show me one politician ever....that looks more like a boob than he this video of him at the town hall meeting.

He doesn't even know the facts..........can't present them and people don't seem to care...

So honey if you think the Republicans look silly......and you think Obama is the role model of what a great president is all about, I question your sanity on this.

Side: No
fancyod(14) Disputed
3 points


It is obvious to anyone who looks at the relationship between the Bush family and oil, with gold, and with big money in general, where their personal interests lie. Cheney and Halliburton, anyone associated with Jack Abramoff, Enron, Carl Brizi and Tim Durham, the list goes on and on. And on and on. Are there any democrats with ties to big business? You bet there are. The difference is that democrats, as a body, don’t seek to exploit their elected positions by introducing and voting for legislation to enhance their personal finances and power.

Cons romance the voters in the religious right, and then do next to nothing to advance that agenda. They appeal to the fears of the frightened, even going so far as to manufacture fear in order to do so. They court the angry disenfranchised middle class white voters with tales of welfare fraud and reverse racism. They lie to those that are self-interested, but not completely without a sense of patriotism or concern for their fellow citizens – they help them to believe that lowering taxes for the rich, deregulating business and cutting social programs is good for our economy.

Would Rush Limbaugh, a multi-millionaire, have any reason to have voters believe that the rich should have a lower tax burden? Would Dick Cheney, who is a major stockholder in many corporations and sits on the board for several, have any reason whatsoever to have the voting public believe that business should be free of regulations, thereby increasing profit shares?

Consider the source, and then investigate the evidence, check the historic precedence and then ask yourself who stands to gain?

The Tea Party crowd idolizes the America’s Founders along with today’s corporate titans, whose taxes must be kept low so they can be the great “job creators.” But the contrast is striking, since the Founders risked everything for the country while today’s rich won’t even take the chance of hiring some extra workers, Michael Winship writes.

Today’s corporate giants, blinded by greed, oblivious to the despair around them, are doing much the same. ` Conservative screenwriter Lionel Chetwynd scripted the introductory film at the site’s orientation center. And Sarah Palin paid a visit during her recent bus tour, just a couple of weeks before our arrival, writing on her website that daughter Piper mentioned to her how hard Washington must have worked “to keep that farm going.”

Stephen Colbert responded, “It’s true. I cannot imagine how hard he worked, with no help other than his African volunteers.” The Fortune 500 generated nearly $10.8 trillion in total revenues last year, up 10.5%. Total profits soared 81%. But guess who didn’t benefit much from this giant wave of cash? Millions of U.S. workers stuck mired in a stagnant job market. … We’ve rarely seen such a stark gulf between the fortunes of the 500 and those of ordinary Americans.” Hypocrites, because their radical free market ideology, and the resulting total deregulation of the financial markets, is what caused the debt to spiral out of control this last decade. That and the wars George W. Bush launched but didn’t have the integrity to responsibly finance. The consequence was a banking bubble and crash leading to a 50 percent run-up of the debt that has nothing to do with the “entitlements” that those same Republicans have always wanted to destroy. again according to Erickson, were giving it plenty of credence. In an “open letter” to Congressional Republicans he wrote, “despite what the pundits in Washington are telling you, it is you and not Obama who hold most of the cards...Should the United States lose its bond rating, it will be called the 'Obama Depression.' Congress does not get pinned with this stuff.”

the United States Senate issuing the Levin–Coburn Report found “that the crisis was not a natural disaster, but the result of high risk, complex financial products; undisclosed conflicts of interest; and the failure of regulators, the credit rating agencies, and the market itself to rein in the excesses of Wall Street.”[10][11] Critics argued that credit rating agencies and investors failed to accurately price the risk involved with mortgage-related financial products, and that governments did not adjust their regulatory practices to address 21st-century financial markets.[12] The repeal of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933 effectively removed the separation that previously existed between Wall Street investment banks and depository banks. There is some debate as to what role the repeal of Glass–Steagall had on the late 2000s financial crisis.[13] In response to the financial crisis, both market-based and regulatory solutions have been implemented or are under consideration.[14]

Consider the terrible consequences of the 'anything goes' Bush Administration, whose irresponsible non-regulation of financial institutions has led to this crisis."

George W Bush - that in the eight years of his presidency he actively pursued policies of deregulation which caused the biggest financial and economic meltdown since the Great Depression.

He certainly presided over a widespread failure of regulation.

On his watch, the US authorities did little to prevent the sale of millions of mortgages to people who could never afford them.

They failed to police the market in mortgage-backed securities which has now collapsed with such devastating consequences.

And credit default swaps, those multi-billion-dollar bets on other people going bust, went virtually unregulated.

In recent days, Congress has been holding hearings to determine how the regulators at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) missed numerous warning signs - "Red Flags" - about Bernard Madoff, the man accused of running a gigantic Ponzi scheme which has defrauded investors of at least $50bn.

Deregulation started long before President Bush came to power, and it was enthusiastically pursued by both Democratic and Republican administrations.

Here is just one example:

The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 separated the activities of commercial banks, which take deposits, from investment banks, which invest money. It was repealed in 1999.

That relaxation of the rules enabled commercial lenders, like Citigroup, to trade instruments such as mortgage-backed securities and collateralised debt obligations.

Side: yes
4 points

Let's see,

Saved the auto industry,

Got Osama in 2.5 years after the last republican couldn't in nearly 7,

Jobs and GDP have increased consistently every month he's been president, while they both had decreased every single month just about for nearly 7 years before he was elected.

Plus a president finally brave enough to fix our ridiculous health care system.

Besides, Republicans are too puritan and uneducated at their base to elect anyone who has even a passive chance of beating Obama this time around. You're going end up with a nominee who thinks Adam and Eve ran around with dinosaurs, thinks global warming is a hoax, and won't be able to answer a single substance question unless it's on Fox and they are given the script beforehand.

Republicans really don't have a chance this time, and after the silliness in Wisconsin Dems have a really good chance of taking back the House as well.

It is fun watching your "nominees" jump in and out of the race. Jeez I hope Palin runs, that would be hilarious.

Side: yes
braydens24(20) Disputed
4 points

One word: Wow.

Saved the auto industry by rewarding irresponsible and stupid corporate actions with a second chance they didn't deserve with federal funds derived DIRECTLY from the American taxpayer at a huge cost to the taxpayer and the nation in general.

Got Osama in 2.5 years after nearly 7 years of hard fighting, intelligence-gathering, and continuation of nearly every single Bush policy (Guantanamo, enhanced interrogation, keeping troops in the MidEast after ripping Bush for keeping them in place for so long)... of course it was going to happen (because Bush had it right despite your best efforts to portray him as stupid and clueless).

Jobs and GDP have increased consistently every month he's been president, while they both had decreased every single month just about for nearly 7 years before he was elected. NOT ONE WORD YOU JUST SAID WAS TRUE. First of all, unemployment has gone UP 1.3% since he was elected. ( Also, the highest GDP growth we've seen from this president was in Q4 of 2009 at 5%; both before and after then, we have seen levels as low as 1.6% growth in Q3 of '09, 1.8% growth in Q1 of '11, and 1.7% growth in Q2 of '10. To say that they have increased consistently every month he's been president is a flat-out lie (see attached link for source).

Plus a president finally brave enough to fix our ridiculous health care system. You think Obamacare FIXED our system? Think again. Obamacare will make the already-bad system worse by tenfold. Not only does it cut obscene amounts from Medicare (far more than Rep. Ryan's budget proposal), but it simply shifts the costs of care to insurance premiums from the patient to the "evil, greedy, selfish insurance companies." Simple business economics will tell you that when any company has to pay more to provide a product, the costs will go up, making our system that much MORE expensive.

Republicans are too puritan and uneducated at their base to elect anyone who has even a passive chance of beating Obama this time around. Right, and that "education" you're referring to has done a bang-up job of fixing everything, hasn't it? Gee, you'd think a president who was hailed as one of the smartest we've ever had would be "educated" enough to do something to help this economy get going again. I guess we can only hope for so much, right?

You're going end up with a nominee who thinks Adam and Eve ran around with dinosaurs, a bigoted and stupid comment, what's wrong with believing in Adam and Eve? thinks global warming is a hoax, not one candidate has said that, and won't be able to answer a single substance question unless it's on Fox and they are given the script beforehand. Give one LEGITIMATE example of Fox doing that, and then I'll believe you. Oh, and legitimate does not include MediaMatters, ThinkProgress, MSNBC, or TheYoungTurks. Nice try though.

Republicans really don't have a chance this time, even though a Washington Post/ABC poll shows that Mitt Romney was tied with Obama 47% to 47%... and this was 5 days after he declared candidacy (, and after the silliness in Wisconsin Dems have a really good chance of taking back the House as well. Does the "silliness" you're referring to have anything to do with the 14 Democrats that fled the state to avoid a completely fair vote on legitimate legislation? Last I checked, political cowardice doesn't win you back seats in the House, and neither do lying perverts like Anthony Wiener.

It is fun watching your "nominees" jump in and out of the race. Yeah, none have jumped out of the race.

Jeez I hope Palin runs, that would be hilarious.

Not as hilarious as it'll be when Obama loses in 2012!

Supporting Evidence: GDP Trends since Obama election (
Side: No
2 points

I don't know much about the intricate details of his policies but as an outsider? He's done wonders for your country's image. Seriously, we all thought America was going to sink under from it's own obesity.

Side: yes
churchmouse(325) Disputed
3 points

We as whole might be overweight but we are the greatest country on earth. I have traveled all over the world...and while we do have problems (every country does)...there is no where else I would rather live. Obama has done squat for our country...but work to divide us. Could you provide a list of his accomplishments please?

Side: No
2 points

Saved the auto industry,

Really, is $14 billion in lost taxpayer money really saving the auto industry? Loss

Is becoming $14 billion poorer a good thing? I don't so. Of course, these are based on government numbers, which of course, we can trust because the government has never ever lied.

Got Osama in 2.5 years after the last republican couldn't in nearly 7,

This is the case of Obama using political gain because Osama was likely already dead since he had liver cancer, which was reported on March 25, 2000. Cancer

Plus a president finally brave enough to fix our ridiculous health care system.

President Obama hasn't fix anything except make it more expensive.

Health care needs free market principles. Mises

Side: No
2 points

Is becoming $14 billion poorer a good thing?

In short, yes. Compared to losing thousands of jobs, losing billions in personal and corporate tax revenue, and spending billions in welfare to support unemployed workers.

Ask Ford who didn't even take a bailout if it was worth it (in the story you linked to) to preserve the market and their supplier base, etc.

Osama was likely already dead

Then why wouldn't Bush claim the credit? and how was he releasing videos discussing current events?

President Obama hasn't fix anything except make it more expensive.

and mandate coverage for the sick, increased access to preventative care, help prevent/detect fraud, stop rescissions of insurance when insurance companies find out your sick, etc.

the US was paying double for less coverage, worse outcomes, and medical bills that contributed to more than 60% of bankruptcies 00404-5/abstract)

Health care needs free market principles.

This plan is not a single payer government run plan like medicare - it sets the rules of the road and then lets companies compete

Side: yes
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

Your attack on Fox is interesting... I guess you've never seen the O'Reilly Factor.

But anyway:

"Save the auto industry"

We can debate the numbers, but you're not about that (clearly). So let's talk about the ideology of saving the auto industry. Or even better, simplify: Added to the Corporatist system of the United States. Same with bailing out the banks. And for shame... I thought you didn't like the corporations and all their money. Finally, they have a chance to fail and leave their business to bidders, and you support the legislation that keeps them "too big to fail".

"Finally brave enough to fix our ridiculous health care system".

Ridiculous indeed. We waste billions on medicare and medicaid, just to see that they are, in general, pathetic ways to help those in need. I don't disagree with you on that one. My problem is 1. Brave... like all the other presidents who were "finally brave enough" to do something about the healthcare system? INCLUDING BUSH! 2. Government hospitals and Universal Health-care... right, because government healthcare worked in this country all this time... oh wait, our health care system is ridiculous. Darn these intricate fallacies. BUT WAIT!!!! A voucher program, proposed by Paul Ryan, implying that government will continue to help people who are in need of medical care but can't afford it, but instead of choosing what kind of treatment the people will receive, they will be able to choose their coverage in the private sector. This is far better than subsidizing for subsidizing takes away incentive to compete and provide better coverage. But with the voucher program, the private sector will continue to compete for the only way for them to receive that money is if the people find them a suitable insurer. But that's too sensible, right? Nope, let's just get government more involved with running the healthcare system, because if cotton rips all the time, the only solution is MOAR cotton.

But another thing we can agree on, the Republican nominees are looking shitty. Gary Johnson and Ron Paul will most likely not get it, and Paul Ryan is dicking around.

Side: No
munster(49) Disputed
1 point

Hey stupid he helped the auto industry with TAXPAYERS DOLLARS! HELLLLOOOOO? and thats helping the American people how? Chrysler will never pay it back in our lifetimes. Seriously you make NO sense!

Side: No
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

haha You haven't changed one bit.

You're still a clone of the main stream liberal crap flow. Good to see you again though. (;

Side: No
3 points

Since I live in the UK my opinion may be discredited immediately but I have a passionate interest in politics and I believe you have taken Obama for granted. Although again I have myself caught up in another opinion argument as opposed to fact.

Side: yes
churchmouse(325) Disputed
3 points

We have been duped. Obama is a manipulator and liar. If anything he is an embarrasment to our country. He came in with no accomplishments and has none to date....well his golf score is getting lower....must be all those rounds he is playing.

Side: No
catticus90(360) Disputed
3 points

No accomplishments, are you kidding me? View link for details of Obama's achievements. Could you elaborate on any specifics as to why you dislike Obama and believe him to be a manipulator and a liar?

Side: yes
2 points

He has been trying to bridge the huge gap between the republicans and democrats and yet all of the republicans still find fault with him. He has helped in some areas and stopped a war. He killed Osama Bin Laden and has done better than George Bush has THAT is for sure.

Side: yes
2 points

Ever notice how no one likes some one with brains. Find another Bush and the American people will vote for him. Later, they will cry about what the idiot did and forget they voted for them. American can't last another 4 years without Obama. Bush put in a hole in the side of the Titanic and you want another Republican? Torpedo's away. Misewell finish the job.

Side: yes
1 point

Out of everyone we have now. Yes, Obama should be realected becuse now he is the best man for the job sadly

Side: yes

It is now 2015 and I am glad that I was with the majority of voters in 2012 who re-elected him.

Side: Yes