
AmericanHero's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of AmericanHero's arguments, looking across every debate.

Screw star trek, HALO is the stuff, They gato 1,2,3, ODST, Reach, Wars, and now Halo 4, its obvious who the winner is and its HALO.

2 points

God is not gay he does not like gay people and homosexualism is against gods will, also it is not confirmed that he is straite because there is no appearance that he has. He can be asexual ang he loves all of us as his children.

No it would spread desease faster such as HIV and it wouldnt be good for a country completely infected that such actions such as quarintines would have to take place.

The best ones are the Blue and the Aqua colored they also very refreshing when cold.

US has more of everything compared to the Brits and U.S. has more land which means that if it go,s nuclear us will still be there and U.K. will be nothing+ Hundreds of our nukes will be left over. But the bond between U.S. and U.K. is too great for this to ever happen.

very true, it does taste like cough sirup medicine. Red does taste like medicine sometimes.

0 points

It can take out ballistics such as the new system the us developed to shoot down missiles and planes, effecient fast, painless and deadly. Which equals instant kill.

4 points

War is bad but at times it is necessary. For example the WWII;

if there was no war, Hitler would of took over the world.

AmericanHero(15) Clarified
0 points

Actually those two cities were military cities which means they were not in particular 100% civilian city, it was 35% civilian and 65% military.

AmericanHero(15) Clarified
1 point

Actually they are both important but the navy is valuable because it is the barrier that stops foreigners from invading our country.

0 points

It would take centuries and it will be difficult but not immpossibe because right now we have a good start, the United Nations is a good example. It might sound rediculous but it might be like Halo with the UNSC United Nations Space Command, of course minus the aliens.

Maybe something big crashed in to it nocking of a chunk, then Earths gravity cought it in orbit(the chunk), or maybe it was somthing like an astroid like the dwarf planet ceres in the astroid belt that so happenly apears round not like a rock. An other idea is the maybe something blew up a planet in which is now the astroidbelt and the astroid belt planet had 2 moons one ceres and the other our moon.

2 points

They are both bad, Communism enslaves and the Capitalist mess things up. US is democratic and it is not Capitalism or communism but capitalism vs Socialism. US us in between both, i side with my country.

IF they were to ever go to war, there are many "x" factors that will take effect. 1 is that we have the largest imports from china, so that means we will stop buying stuff from them. There economy would go down since we wont buy anything. We can make our own stuff and we can buy stuff from other countries. We have a lot of space in the U.S. and they don't hence the overpopulation control. 2 we have the most technologically advanced fighting force in the world. We have the M1 M1A1 M1A2 Abrams, the M2 and M3 Bradly series, CAT mine resistant vehicles, Stryker, and that's just naming a few of the good stuff our ground forces have. Not only do we have that but our soldiers have air support. We can control the skies and put the enemy in shock making them think twice about coming near our plane. They currently have J-10's and the J-20 doesn't come out till 2018, there J-10 was no real match for our F-15 but guess what we don't use that any more. We have the F-22 Raptor which has a kill ratio of 108kills to 0 losses AGAINST the F-15, imagine against the J-10. We also have the F-15E strike eagle for coordinated air strikes. The F-16 series which has multiple purposes and the B-2 which can get in and out undetected at the same time giving the Chinese there worst nightmare. We can clear the skies and bomb them. Numbers don't mean shit there. Just carpet bomb them. We have the strongest navy and 16 aircraft carriers. They have only 1. Our tech is years ahead of them, our raptor prototype came out in 1990 and there's in 2011, about 20 years difference. We can sabotage with the navy seals and marine spec ops teams. Some say that our Raptors will eventually get wasted and run out of ammo but that doesn't mean anything because we can wipe out there air-born air craft and bomb there airfields easy peasy lemon squeezy. We also have a whole bunch of other stuff but the list is to long. Some say that what if china has something secret like an other new plane to use against us, well I say "but if that's true cane you imagine what kind of secret stuff we have, after all we are several years ahead of them. We will win, numbers don't mean anything.

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