
Another-Alt's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Another-Alt's arguments, looking across every debate.

Trying to make poor people feel guilty about being poor is not a contribution to society you useless, delusional little prick. Look around you, dickhead. The total absence of people who love or even like you shows you the type of contribution you've made, you worthless sack of filth.

Heck, if he shot your useless fake Jew ass he'd GAIN a voter.

The Left promotes, lawlessness, chaos, and dystopia

Don't make me laugh, you pathetically disingenuous piece of dog shit. The left promotes a fair society which doesn't ignore homelessness in favour of giving massive tax cuts to the rich. Your efforts to brand moral integrity as a bad thing are nothing shy of pathetic. Society has a responsibility to challenge corruption and injustice so go fuck yourself you sick fucking pedo.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

Ah, hello there Human Filth. Nice to see you are still dragging the species backwards by 300 years every time you open your uselessly stupid mouth. Why don't you give me your address so I can come over and have a discussion with you, you worthless fucking pedophile?

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

I have been a supporter of the vaccination program since its roll-out.

Of course there will be 100s of 1000s, probably millions, of those inoculated who will suffer side-effects of varying degrees of severity and undoubtedly some who have died and will continue to die, but the overall upshot is that the immunization of the world's populations has helped to keep this pandemic within manageable parameters.

Sure, and I myself am a big supporter of vaccination programs, which have saved probably millions of lives since their inception.

However, the Covid situation is different. Here, we were faced with a global pandemic which was already in full effect and vast sums of money were on the table for anybody who could quickly find a solution. Corners were cut, false promises were made, and the end result was an inferior product.

When I was young the concept of vaccinations was very simple: deadly disease, if you take this shot you won't ever catch deadly disease, everything is good. But with Covid it became nothing short of farcical. One shot became two, became four, became, eight, became twice a year. Immunity became probable immunity, became OK you can still get it but you won't be hospitalised, became OK you'll still be hospitalised but you won't die, became OK you'll still die but you won't spread it to anyone else.

What we've seen with Covid is exactly what the most lambasted politicians were saying in the first place. Eventually enough people will develop herd immunity that it will cease to be an issue. I don't think the vaccinations have made much difference to the outcome at all.

Twit needs to comprehend that research involves more than looking for confirmation of what he has already been persuaded to believe.

For non-mRNA or unknown vaccine vectors (primarily consisting of the ChAdOx1 Oxford-AstraZeneca) for the first dose and all doses combined, there were significant increases in the incidence of cardiac death

I'll have to take your word on your well researched assertion.

This idiot isn't intelligent enough to perform research. Literally 30 seconds on Google debunks his premise:-

Study reveals extent of Covid vaccine side-effects

About one in three people recently given a Covid vaccine by the NHS report some side-effects.

None was serious - a common one was some soreness around the injection site, the UK researchers who gathered the feedback found.

Experts say the findings, from about 40,000 people - mostly healthcare workers - are reassuring for the millions having the vaccines now.

It basically works like this. Twit finds research. Twit doesn't understand research. Twit makes random sweeping claims after finding research.

I hope somebody reads this takes a while to hunt down peer reviewed articles

I hope someday you realise what a complete moron you are. You are so stupid it almost beggars comprehension.

No more anti-vaxxers hiding behind their testimonial evidence. Vaccine hesitant are more likely to have a nocebo response.

Oh really? Well, this is outrageous. You're seriously telling us that people with negative expectations are more likely to suffer an effect which literally depends on negative expectations to work?

Oh my goodness. Thank you Captain Obvious. Be sure to pick up a candy bar and a dunce hat on the way out, you useless twit.

No you idiot please tell us about your time in VIETNAM and that boat you were on.

I'm interested in hearing how he singlehandedly took down the Viet Cong. That's a great story. Has he shared that one with you yet?

2 points

They are alredy in charge of it and have been for way too long. HOw can this magnificient earth and societies end up like they have if indeed rich people had decided well?

You should ignore HF. He's a disgusting little pedo who confuses greed with intelligence.

He can say eleven things that all contradict each other

Yup. It's pretty impressive. His idiocy transcends politics and unites both the left and right.

If you could beat me in debate, you would

I'll beat you in this debate. How mentally retarded would you say you are?

I'm PROUD to be a patriotic American liberal.. Believe it!

Laughable. You're a pathetic liar who allies himself with literal Nazis the moment anybody debunks your lies about being Jewish. Your credibility is absolute zero and you've been caught in more lies than Bernie Madoff.

If I saw you in the street I would spit on you.


In order to acquire or own a hand gun, you will need a licence (see above). Fully automatic guns are banned outside of military purposes, as are most semi-automatic guns that were once fully automatic.



Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

Hmm actually I was here way before you came along. You didn't find you... you found me. Welcome. Bitch.

You're generally a very angry person. Past trauma?

Whereas you demand to live in a world where masked gunmen burst into schools and shoot kids in the face with extralegally sourced firearms

Oh, I do? Aww, thanks for letting me know, ginger bollocks.

Say, let's give every mass murderer a bazooka too, so they don't have to go to all that trouble of sourcing one extralegally. Makes perfect sense. We should buy El Chapo a tank while we're at it, because he's obviously just going to get one extralegally if we don't. Might as well make a buck.

You've convinced me. Can we make rape legal too? I hate extralegal rapes.

Hey, dipshit? If you can't read a full sentence, at least go on a dictionary website and try to piece it together.

Awww, is the rage-filled drunk who thinks we should live in a world where masked gunmen burst into schools and shoot kids in the face mocking the intelligence of others? That's so cute. Come here so I can rub your silly little ginger head.

You're here too, dumbass.

Lies. This is your dream, not mine.

2 points

What are you on man?

My man is an angry drunk. That's a textbook whiskey rage.

Oh wow. If it isn't the return of the internet's self-declared hardman. Do your keys still quiver in fear when you type your mean insults, desperate to avoid the wrath of their perpetually drunk, angry ginger master?

Is your daughter still alive mate? Or has she blown her brains out yet with that gun you gave her?

I bet she's really proud to have an alcohol dependent dad who creeps online late at night to write mean things. Definitely someone to look up to, aren't you buddy?

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
2 points

To a greater or lesser extent, and in our own way we've all kicked against the established order at some time in our lives but usually most of us become molded into robotic zombie-like sheepeople that makes us easier to be controlled and more compliant with the predetermined paths the ruling classes have plotted out for us.

Yes, and it isn't a coincidence. Dissent and radicalism among the working classes were very much the social norm until the Creel Commission set the remarkable precedent of successfully shaping public opinion during the first world war. From that springboard, the public relations (or public propaganda, if you prefer) industry began to form and engineering consent among the lower and middle class very much became, if not a science, then a high art. The switch of mass media from a subscription model to an advertising model also facilitated the change, since it gave the business class a remarkable amount of leverage within the media which could be used to push for certain narratives and/or angles.

What we've been left with at the end of it all is a society unable to organise change based on its own common principles, unless those common principles have been filtered down from the business class. It's a totalitarian state controlled through public relations propaganda and a complete perversion of the concept of democracy.

The only kid diddler who uses these forums is you, you dirty nonce. You call me "obsessed" while at the same time every post you ever write explicitly references touching kids or jokes about child abuse. You're a sick, disgusting little freak who clearly had an overly affectionate uncle.

Ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case. If ever a person deserved a good clump in the mouth, it's this quivering sphincter.

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