
BellyButton's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BellyButton's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

This is you having lied and not had the data you claimed existed because lying was all you had in the chamber. You keep telling us about things, but then you never have any proof of any kind. And on the rare occassion you do actually provide a link, it doesn't actually ever prove your point.

1 point

Nahhh.. What I remember is that most Republicans were following their dear leader and kissing up to Putin.. Fully 50% of Republicans are

Post us some examples. Last time you were asked, you posted a video of Tucker Carlson not praising Putin, but trashing Democrats for being war mongers.

2 points

And nevermind that you completely ignored the topic due to you having no argument on your party's obsession with race dividing.

2 points

No right winger knows anyone from Qanon, the left ran the President into a bunker, you ban books on Amazon and censor the internet, you gave us Common Core math which says 2+2=5 if you want it to, Disney puts sexual innuendos into children's movies,no one loves Putin, and Trump was bood for saying to take the vaccine.

1 point

Giovanni Gentile and the Philosophy of the Young Karl Marx

A. James Gregor

Journal of the History of Ideas

Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 213-230

1 point

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Karl Marx

A Brief Biographical Sketch With an Exposition of Marxism


[1] Engels, in his article on Marx in the Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, Band VI, S. 603, and Bernstein, in his article on Marx in the Eleventh Edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911, erroneously give the dates as 1853-60. See Briefwechsel of Marx and Engels, published in 1913.—Lenin

[2] “A Contribution to the Bibliography of Marxism” published in Archive for Social Science and Social Politics, Vol. 20, Book 2.—Ed.

[3] Bibliography of Socialism and Communism, Vols. 1—3.—Ed.

[4] Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Berlin, the first year of publication, 1905, and the following years.—Ed.

[5] People’s Calendar.—Ed.

[6] Dictionary of the Political Sciences, Vol. 6, pp. 600—03.—Ed.

[7] W. Liebknecht, Karl Marx, Biographical Memoirs.—Ed.

[8] Paul Lafargue, Personal Recollections of Karl Marx.—Ed.

[9] Karl Kautsky, The Historical Contribution of Karl Marx. On the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Master’s Death.—Ed.

[10] Clara Zetkin, Karl Marx and His Life Work.—Ed.

[11] E. Untermann, The Logical Defects of Narrow Marxism.—Ed.

[12] Hogo Riekes, “The Philosophical Roots of Marxism,” in the Journal of All Political Sciences, 62nd year of publication, 1906, Book 3, pp. 407—32.—Ed.

[13] Benno Erthnann, “The Philosophic Assumptions of the Materialist Conception of History” in the Yearbook for Legislation, Administration and National Economy (Schiller’s Yearbook), 1907, Book 3, pp. 1—56.—Ed.

[14] Rudolph Stammier, Economy and Law According to the Materialist Conception of History.—Ed.

[15] V. Ilyin—one of the literary pseudonyms of V. I. Lenin.—Ed.

[16] Hermann Gorter, Historical Materialism.—Ed.

[17] Flarnmacher, The Philosophic-Economic System of Marxism.—Ed.

[18] Max Adler, Causality and Teleology and Marx as a Thinker.—Ed.

[19] Giovanni Gentile, The Philosophy of Marx.—Ed.

[20] Compbre-Morel, Agrarian Question and Socialism in France.—Ed.

[21] Böhrn-Bawerk, Karl Marx and the Close of His System.—Ed.

[22] Riekes, Value and Exchange Value, (1899).—Ed.

[23] Von Bortkiewicz, Calculation of Value and Calculation of Price in the Marxian System (Archive for Social Science, 1906—07).—Ed.

[24] Leo von Buch, On the Elements of Political Economy. Intensity of Labour, Value and Price.—Ed.

[25] Hulferding Bohm-Bawerk’s Criticism of Marx.—Ed.

[26] Jules Guesde, Four Years of Class Struggle, On-Guard! Questions of Today, Paris, 1911.—Ed.

[27] Paul Lafargue, Economic Determinism, The Historical Method of Karl Marx, Paris, 1909.—Ed.

[28] Anton Pannekoek, Two Tendencies in the Labour Movement.—Ed.

[29] Rosa Luxemhurg, The Accumulation of Capital, Berlin, 1913—Ed.

[30] Otto Bauer, The Accumulation of Capital (Die Neue Zeit, XXXI, 1, 1913, pp. 831 and 862).—Ed.

1 point

Of course. Anybody who examines Marx's philosophy is therefore a communist.

He wrote Communist literature. If you don't know that, it shows just how dumb you really are.

BellyButton(31) Clarified
1 point

Let's keep it real now folks. If communists murder you because of your political views then it must mean you're a communist.

Communists literally murder Communists first because they are the biggest threat to other Communists according to Communists.

Same with Hitler guys. He invaded Russia because he didn't feel it was being communist enough.

You left out that they did a seige on a country together.

Welcome to the world of upside down facts, where everybody is a fascist except the fascists.

No, you're definitely a Fascist.

1 point

we don't just grab our AR-15s and go out and mow down everybody hoping to get all the "bad guys"

I see no right wingers out in the streets with AR-15s. I see a bunch of armed leftists destroying leftist cities and tormenting their own liberal citizens like the Nazis they are.

2 points

Uf you still think blacks are responsible for crime and their own poverty we'll let you go back to the 17th century where you will be much happier. Both of you vile little cockroaches belong there.

Banned for being too stupid to mention the topic.

0 points

All people who live in the modern world will abandon religion by adulthood unless retarded

You are in a religion that is self righteous, tells us its version of morality, and defines sinners from saints by wokeness. I had suspected you were a retard, and now it's confirmed.

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