
Deitus's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Deitus's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Who did you plagiarize this one from? .

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

I find the one and only difference between genius and insanity being the ratio of how often your ideas merge smoothly with reality.

What is reality?

All of us are insane to a degree, the only question is are you insane to the degree that society will reject you.

What if it's society that's insane?

1 point

Because China is run by pedophiles who want to be raped by children.

1 point

The land of "free speech" seems to have a history of persecuting people for their political views. Oh dear.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

In spite of all our differences and fights, Nom, I genuinely wish you nothing but the best.

lol. If only you realized who you're dealing with. You are basically wishing Charles Manson's gay and even more immoral cousin "the best". Maybe the best prison cell is what he deserves, and that's about it. And by "best" I mean the most secure and isolated one.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

I bet you can't even prove that the earth is round .

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

Mingiwuwu has the power to telepathically twist your gonads into the sacred fibonacci spiral until you achieve enlightenment and dedicate your life to wandering through the wilderness and meditating instead of making fun of people's grammar all day.

1 point

I am going to butter your butt hole and call you a biscuit.

0 points

I was trying to explain this to people a full year before he got elected, back when I was being told he was going to bring the system down.

Why do you even bother. It's just so you can talk down to people and jerk yourself off. Really you know that humanity consists of a bunch of retards with the worst scum always rising to the top, but you feel superior when you find the most gullible idiots and talk down to them. When you encounter people as intelligent or more intelligent than yourself you either use them as fake allies or start lying and distorting language to protect your ego from the fact that other people are often smarter than you. You even convince yourself that your ability to be a worse scum bag is equivalent to being smarter.

1 point

The sad part is that he will probably still win. He is doing exactly what the true powers in America want him to do. Israel and the Illuminati are creaming their gay little knickers at him starting a genocide...I mean war with the one country in the middle east that doesn't have a Rothschild bank.

1 point

I am going to puncture your butt hole with a fish hook and reel you into my "pole"

1 point

I am going to puncture your butt hole with a fish hook and reel you into my "pole"

1 point

Oh my god I'm going to twist your penis hole like a bucket of sandwich meats on a sunny day in chicago.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

.ti etaicerppa I .niaga tey thgir em gnivorp rof sknahT


Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point


Yes .

Deitus(138) Clarified
0 points

I base my decisions on whether I believe somebody is right or wrong.

No, that's what I do. I hate Republicans and pro-Americans because they believe stupid things. What YOU do is choose semi-tolerable allies (which is exactly what you used to see me as) and ignore most of the things you dislike about them so you don't look like a total dick who just bullies everyone, even though you truly don't like anyone.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

It's too bad you have decayed to the level of dishonesty and stupidity where you side with a guy who thinks "real" Republicans are a good thing and believes in all the typical pro-American platitudes yet thinks he is a leftist.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

I don't think government should be controlling unhealthy food.

The government FDA is like "yeah, as long as it doesn't kill them in an obvious way and you pay us off sufficiently just put whatever you want in the food"

And then the shareholders of Monsantos, Mcdonalds, Pepsi etc. meet up in bohemian grove and sacrifice babies to Moloch.

1 point

Is that you Dana?

I believe it was Jesus returning from heaven to let everyone know he was a socialist.

1 point

Democrats aren't leftists unless they are social democrats or democratic socialists. A standard issue member of the Democratic party is a corporate shill just like a Republican is, and even the ones that make an effort to appear as actual leftists are often dishonest scum weasels. It is vastly irrelevant to list various rich democrats not only because most democrats aren't leftists but also because being rich doesn't mean you have to support capitalism.

2 points

You are lying by pretending not to understand that I said Capitalism runs on both the individual choices of consumers and on the rich controlling resources. You disagreed with the first part, and you're pretending that I didn't already mention the second so you can jerk off your own ego and pretend to correct someone about something they already know. The fact of that matter is that both are true, unless you want to pretend that Bill Gates is forcing you to use a PC instead of a mac with a gun to your head.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

Yeah, but that's exactly the problem with communism.

Communism is more friendly to methodology than capitalism. That's what "central planning" is.

At least in a free market you can break up a monoploy

But then it wouldn't be a free market anymore, because in a pure free market the whole thing would eventually become a monopoly. Freedom leads to the opposite of freedom because you are more free to take other people's freedom.

1 point

No, it really isn't. Perhaps it started out that way (but even then I sincerely doubt it), but capitalism is a hierarchy. That means the people at the top of it DICTATE to consumers what they want through a variety of means, including advertising, media marketing, public relations propaganda, reverse psychology and occasionally blackmail and/or extortion.

You are ignoring what comes after what you are responding to and telling me something I already know. I appreciate you expanding upon it though.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

Who said I was anything but a capitalist?

Capitalism is extremely difficult to reconcile with any form of methodology in truth. It's almost inherently irrational and based on subjectivity.

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