
ENDT91's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of ENDT91's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

In this fine country (GO USA!), people are allowed to voice their opinions regardless of what anyone thinks of them. Whether you like it or not, they have the right to speak out against it just like proponents of abortion have the right to speak for it.

1 point

Steve Harvey used a very good argument about parental power in one of his routines: "When ya livin in ya own house, payin ya own rent, you can do whateva ya want...but fa now, I'm ya daddy." The same can be said here in my opinion. As long as kids live under their parents' roof, they can live under their rules, whether they are above 18 or under 18. Too many times do I see movements that work to remove parental power...I just can't believe it.

2 points

I just kind of feel like if someone is so crazy to commit a crime so bad to deserve the death penalty, then the guilt will probably never get to them because they probably don't even think it's wrong! If they truly felt guilty, then they would just own up to it and their sentence probably wouldn't be the death penalty. Yes, it's more expensive up front to have someone put to death, but think about this. Is it more expensive to put a guiltless killer to death or allow him to live and commit more crimes?

1 point

I'll just say this: if you want to be equal, you can't have special conditions made for you.

1 point

From personal's terrible. FYI to people that contribute to this emotional abuse...if your criticisms helped people lose weight, America would definitely not be as fat as it is today.

1 point

This depends on what you call marriage. If you're talking marriage in the religious sense, then no. No one should ever have the right to force a religious institution to allow something that they don't believe in. If you're talking about marriage in terms of like...a civil union, then go for it. Hell, you can even have a ceremony if you want. For now, I'll assume this is talking about marriage in a religious sense and I'll say no.

1 point

While English is not the official language of the United States, it is the de facto language of the United States. Schools teach in English, the President addresses his people in English, and English is the language of business here in the US. As such, it is very important that people living here know how to speak the language; however, I have no problem whatsoever with somebody speaking a foreign language in their home to their kids. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being multilingual. The problem is when we spend tax payer money on translated items such as books from the Department of Licensing or road signs. If you want to survive here in the US, you're going to have to learn English, just like if you moved to China, you're going to need to learn that region's language in order to survive.

2 points

In my opinion, marriage is between a man and a woman. If we are talking about marriage in the sense of a union recognized by the church, then absolutely not. A marriage in the church is for a man and a woman ONLY. HOWEVER! I do think that if two men, or two women want to be recognized legally as a couple, then they ought to have the right to a civil union. They would be legally recognized as married, but not recognized by the church. If they wanted to have a "ceremony" of sorts, that's fine, it just won't be recognized by the church. Legal marriage: yes. Holy marriage: no.

1 point

I think every woman has a choice--but that choice comes before the unprotected sex...not after. ;)

My opinion on babies that are a product of rape: we have to remember that the baby itself is not "evil." It was the act that was bad, not that baby. is unnecessary pain for the woman, but that baby didn't do anything wrong. If it pains the mother to keep the baby, then adoption is always an option.

My opinion is that the only acceptable case of abortion is when the mother's life is at risk.

1 point

As long as the child is underage, parental consent should be required. The parents have a right to know what they're child is doing. Now another argument would be that some teens are mature enough to make the right decision. But remember this: were they mature enough to make the correct decision to have protected sex? In this case, obviously not. Choice comes long before the pregnancy. You made the first choice and obviously it wasn't the best one. So because of this, the second choice will not be yours...unless of course, you're a legal adult.

1 point

Well, if something were to just "happen" while you're in college, why would you just throw away your education for that? It goes along with the whole theme of "picking yourself up". That's part of life and if John Doe wants to drop out of school because he wants to let the hardships in his life get the best of him, then he gets the right to do that because we live in this grand country called the US of A. That would not be a societal failure though. That would still be an individual failure. Now you bring up the argument of not doing well in college. If you sit by and let yourself fail, that is also an individual failure. If you don't know what's going on, then you need to get help. Some people might say "well nobody can help me!" That would be a sign of a steamy, hot pile of BS. There is always someone that can help you. It's again, up to YOU to find the person that can help. We live in a country where we have a middle class. So people can work their way up. I'm not saying that they're going to go from homeless to millionaire, but they can at least build up enough to get their own place and a decent job to keep them off the streets. Now, in my city, we have a shelter (I forgot the name) that helps men (and another one for women) get off the street and on their feet again. These kinds of shelters accept all kinds of people. BUT! it is up to the individual to find these places so that they can be helped. If a city or town didn't have one of these shelters, now that would be a societal failure, and the only one too.

3 points

i would have to say that homelessness is an individual failure. education in america (through grade 12) is free. if you don't drop out, you're halfway there. maybe you fail a lot of classes during high school...go to community college. it may be some out of pocket money, but that'll help you. once you've got a decent GPA, transfer to a regular 4-year university. however, people use the argument "but college is expensive". that, my friend, is why there are these clever little magical things called student loans. if you do well in college, and land a decent job that has somewhat to do with what you majored in during college (or just a decent job in general), then you'll be able to pay those loans off. saying that you weren't able to attend school is BS because in america, all children have the right to an education...but it's up to YOU to use opportunity, not society.

2 points

Physical execution? That's a little strong just for describing a tiny spanking. A situation with trying to get your wife to understand is different than with trying to get children to understand. Your wife is an adult and understands how life works. We treat children differently than other humans because the other humans are adults and already know better. Children don't think of the consequences of their actions. A spanking makes them think of the consequences, but in smaller terms. If a child gets in trouble, and the parents always reason with their kids this sends them a different message that you can always work your way out of trouble by simple reasoning, but this simply is not true. Children need to learn that sometimes you can't get out of the punishment for your wrong doing. For example: bank robbers can't get out of trouble by reasoning. They have to serve their time. Just like a child needs to be spanked if they take something that's not theirs. They can't reason with their parents as to why they shouldn't be held responsible.

-1 points

One needs to think back to who actually wrote the bible. Christians are taught that it was written by men who were inspired by God, BUT they were only men, who were also subject to sin. It is a possibility that they wrote in their own views as well as what God supposedly inspired them to write. In my own interpretation, the bible does not specifically say that being gay is a sin. It's more saying that homosexual actions are a sin; however, this would also be a sign man's sin. Man has been homophobic since the beginning of time because supposedly homosexuality is "weird". I'm straight but just because I want to be with a woman doesn't mean another guy should go to hell because he wants to be with a man. Besides, research shows that homosexuality could be a chemical imbalance. That's part of God's doing, no?

3 points

Marijuana being illegal is part of the reason why people do it. It is a stupid reason, but a reason nonetheless. Legalizing marijuana, could potentially lower the number of users. The thrill of the chance of being caught gives them a high that's intensified by the drug. It outta just be legalized, and the government can tax the hell out of it like with cigarettes. It's your choice if you're going to do it or not.

2 points

I was spanked as a child. To tell you the truth, yea it hurt physically, but as a kid that's the only thing I could learn from. Children don't really think in the future. Reasoning with kids is nearly impossible. Had my parents tried to reason with me, they would be wrapped around my finger. Kids would love nothing more than for their parents to reason with them because parents are suckers for cute kids. This gives the kids power over their parents and eventually they would take advantage of that's part of a kid's nature. I think spanking is kinda like salt. I know it's a weird simile, but hear it out. With salt--too little...bad, too much...worse, but just the right amount...good. The only problem is parents don't know the right amount. They fly off the handle for every little thing a kid does and that is wrong. I can honestly say that when I have kids, I will spank them. And really is gunna hurt me more than it's gunna hurt them, but in the end they will learn that there are consequences for their actions.

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