
Itistrue's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Itistrue's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

It is better to never have loved at all because if you're another and it doesn't Work out and you have to break up then it is very painful but if you never loved then there is nothing to lose. You are spared a lot of pain as well.

1 point

Eminem is a very good rapper and you can discern most of what he says but lil wayne doesn't make sense

6 points

Animals are equal to humans

The objective of this speech is to persuade you that animals are equal to humans and that we do not place a higher value than animals.

Judging an animal because we don’t understand it is not fair. If the animal could speak to us would you keep it in your home like a pet or would you cruelly abuse it? People in the modern world are against slaves but keeping an animal is like having a slave- except that they don’t do any of your work. Slaves were owned by a master and restricted from privileges that they could have had if they were free, animals are the same. A century or so ago, if you asked a white man if he thought blacks were equal he would most probably have said no, but nowadays they are thought equal, so all animals need is a spokesperson for them like the blacks had. But humans think they know best.

Another reason that supports my argument is that just because animals don’t have brains as highly developed as ours doesn’t make them more important. In that sense one could argue that animals are more practical than us in a physical sense, because animals can live life without any of the luxuries we have. They can protect themselves without use of external defences and they can rely on their senses to help them find food. If human beings use up all of our resources and we are stripped of things like lit houses or radiators, or even cars we will not be able to survive but an animal can. In a test of practicality the animal will always come first. But humans think they know best. Also if animals are judged lower than us because they are not as clever then that means that a lot of humans should be ranked lower, because they have less sense than an animal. A person, with the intellect of a 2 year old, who does nothing but sit on a couch and stuff his face all day, is esteemed higher than a dog who has more sense and can actually do something with his life. But humans think they know best.

Another thing to think about is that humans kill hundreds of animals every day sometimes to eat them or sometimes for other parts of their body, but if an animal harms, lightly or even severely that animal is immediately shot down. What makes it right for animals to be slaughtered by humans and the human to get away with it, but an animal killed if it harms a human? But humans think they know best. People would argue that humans need to eat, but tigers and crocodiles need to eat too. Why can’t humans be eaten by animals? But humans know best. Cannibalism is thought to be wrong but people do it every day with animals. It could be argued that cannibalism is when one species eat another member of their species, but humans are animals too. Despite that many people do not like to refer to each other that way, it is true that we are also mammals. But humans think they know best.

Animals are also considered to be emotionless, this however is not true. Scientists have proven that animals do experience simple emotions like anger, pain and happiness. But more complicated emotions are difficult to understand because animals are different to us and show things in another way. So if scientists can’t even make out expressions displayed by the animal, how can they assume what goes on in their heads. Scientist claim that animals are not sentient which means they are not aware of their existence but that may not be true because scientist have no definite way of proving that. But humans think they know best.

To conclude my speech animals should be equal to humans because we do not have any traits that make us better than an animal. If we are cleverer then animals are more naturally equipped and have stronger senses which help them survive. Animals do have feelings and it isn’t just to treat them like dirt because they cannot communicate clearly with us, even though humans think they know best.

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