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KHIONE(58) Clarified
2 points

I believe that Trump is the one leading them astray so even when he claimed the election was a fraud, I was shocked beyond control to see some people believe and still fight for him even after all he had done. When will people learn?!!!

2 points

Exactly, they're not paying any attention to the rational part of the brain telling them the truth rather listening to the emotional side but deep down they know it's real

3 points

It's true, now I'll like to make an example, those who their family members or loved ones have died from the Coronavirus believe it's real and you can't tell them any different but those that are yet to experience it will keep saying it's fake. I don't just get why people prefer listening to what they want to hear than facts they're listening to Trump because he's telling them what they want to hear not because he's right.

1 point

We're not here to insult rather to establish facts so please do not use abusive languages in this debate

1 point

I don't get it. Could you please explain in better terms so I can really get the message. I've seen a few of your debates and it's pretty good and sorry to say who's Dana.

2 points

POOR SUCKERS? Really, are you kidding me right now? Look I don't know who you are and what you're driving at but it's clear everyone hear sees you as a racist and if not everyone most people. Stop judging black people simply because we have a different color of skin. What would you do if you were black, would you kill yourself? You make being black sound so bad when it's actually not.

2 points

I am not a leftist like you said and I never said everyone was racist. I said and I quote "This argument is racist." You're only trying to shame Kamala and to me that is just wrong. It's messed up

1 point

Yes of course. Science can relate well to morality and even science in some ways teaches morality so yes I believe science and morality can co exist together

3 points

You don't know for sure what happened. You stick to fake news and report and might I remind you that Kamala has also helped a lot of people innocent people at that wrongly jailed get out so your point is unreasonable and only based on RACISM, you Trump follower.

3 points

I think you're only saying that because you're a racist, Kamala has done nothing wrong and so this entire argument is Racist. She is a woman empowerer and she is among the best of the best in the white house. This argument is only trying to shame her and she is NOT a full-face double masker.

1 point

Excuse you, how dare you. What are whites good for huh, if not being cowards and waiting for the blacks to save their ass as usual

1 point

What if you can't swim or you're traumatic when it comes to water

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