
MC2Shark's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of MC2Shark's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Breastfeeding in public is not wrong - it is wrong for people to criticize it for being disgusting (you shouldn't be looking. if you do, you're disgusting. if you don't look, then what's the issue? do you smell it? do you feel it? do you taste it? do you hear it? no. you are then completely oblivious to the breastfeeding, and there should not be an issue).

lol... my parenthesis was longer than my actual writing.

2 points

Babies do not need to suck a penis

They do, however, need breastmilk (and formula is just manmade breastmilk). If a women chooses to breastfeed, so be it. Wherever she wants.

1 point

Statistics are statistics - unless they are incorrectly taken, you cannot argue with them.

HOWEVER, it is not reasonable to say that because a person is black, they kill more people. Because a person is white, they do not kill fewer people.

However, stereotypes and statistics like these spread the message that black people are killers, and think about it: if someone believes you are a killer no matter what you do, it is more likely you will succumb and become a killer. The more this stereotype is fed to growing children, the more these statistics will hold true.

It is not because of race, but rather an environment, that this statistic is true.

1 point

I am not an atheist. However, atheists can and (most) do have good manners. Your claim is based on experience with "the obnoxious atheists here." However, if I base my claim on the "obnoxious christians," or the "obnoxious muslims," or the "obnoxious hindus," or the "obnoxious jews," I can say that all are rude and have bad manners.

They don't have bad manners by default. The people you meet (who may coincidentally have good or bad manners) do not represent their entire belief system.

1 point

The greatest proof of evolution is the myriad of useless features in your human anatomy. For example, human fetuses have tails for the first 8 weeks of their development, before they recede. In addition, you have bones in your wrist that were originally used to support primates walking on four limbs.

This extra video shows how fluidly (though over millions of years), life has been transformed into us today

1 point

Both have been equally destructive, and there are two ways to view this:

1. Terrorists kill in the name of religion (though that does not make the religion bad - it makes the terrorists bad people who misinterpreted or used fallacious facets of their religion. Also, all religions have terrorists). Wars have been fought over religion. Innocent people have been killed over religion. On the other hand, science gave us the power to make weapons, bombs, and also exposed scientists to the more dangerous parts of science. In addition, science vs religion has also been destructive.

2. Neither have been destructive. It is the humans who have been destructive. Even if some religion promotes murder and cruelty, it is the person who does the killing and commits the cruelty who is at fault. Even if science unveiled the potential for bombs, it is humans who have used them.

1 point

Both have been equally destructive, and there are two ways to view this:

1. Terrorists kill in the name of religion (though that does not make the religion bad - it makes the terrorists bad people who misinterpreted or used fallacious facets of their religion. Also, all religions have terrorists). Wars have been fought over religion. Innocent people have been killed over religion. On the other hand, science gave us the power to make weapons, bombs, and also exposed scientists to the more dangerous parts of science. In addition, science vs religion has also been destructive.

2. Neither have been destructive. It is the humans who have been destructive. Even if some religion promotes murder and cruelty, it is the person who does the killing and commits the cruelty who is at fault. Even if science unveiled the potential for bombs, it is humans who have used them.

1 point

We can never know. The big bang is essentially the source of "everything." This includes matter, time, space, energy, and so on. However, science is limited to studying "everything." Thus, anything before "everything," cannot be studied, and will have no traceable path.

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