
MaxB's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of MaxB's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree with your argument because they developed this pony express-like system of way stations with horses and riders that could quickly relay information.

MaxB(11) Clarified
1 point

Was your person part of the Mongols or was he someone that just recorded information about them?

1 point

(Ibn a,-Athir)“Al-Athir concludes by asking for divine protection for the Muslims against the Mongol threat.” This shows us that he was so threatened by the Mongols he asked for divine protection for the Muslims. The historian was scared and he viewed the Mongols as a threat.

1 point

(Ibn al-Athir)“He also mentions certain customs that made the Mongols especially effective invaders.” This reveals that the Mongols were effective raiders and they were really good at attacking other areas. Which put him in a frightening situation because they were a great threat to him.

1 point

(Ibn al-Athir)“Al-Athir obtained his information from first-hand witnesses, and he describes the great destructiveness and swiftness of the invasions throughout a large area of the Near East.” Which shows us that this historian saw great destruction from the Mongols and how swift they were when destroying areas.

1 point

The Mongols were seriously brutal conquerors. The Mongols destroyed entire cities, and most historians estimate the numbers they killed to be in the millions.

1 point

Their empire didn’t last. Within 80 years they’d left China and been replaced by a new dynasty, Ming. And in Persia they blended in so completely that by the 15th century they were totally unrecognizable.

1 point

The Mongols were probably responsible for the Black Death. By opening up trade they also opened up vectors for diseases to travel, in the case of the Plague via fleas infected with Yersinia pestis.

2 points

Under Mongol rule, merchants had a higher status than they had in traditional China. During their travels they could rest and secure supplies through a postal-station system that the Mongols had established.

1 point

The Mongols forcibly relocated people who were useful to them, like artists and musicians, and especially administrators.

1 point

The Mongols increased communication through Eurasia by developing this pony express-like system of way stations with horses and riders that could quickly relay information.

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