
MikeSavage's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of MikeSavage's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

It's convenient isn't it? The libs ignore their own, then come after you. Then when you point out that they ignored their own, it's in the past and suddenly they want to live in the present once a conservative wakes them up by being present and committing the sin of being alive. It's a winning strategy. Always say your sins are in the past while ignoring them in the present. Always say Republicans' sins are in the present. It's a win win for those with no morals or regard for common sense. Do you libs know how to use any finger other than your pointer? I'd take the middle one at this point. I said it, yes I did. I would take your middle finger in a heartbeat over that self righteous pointer finger that never seems to find its pointy way to its own master's face.

1 point

MORE whataboutism???? Dude.. Yes, Trump LOST bigly, butwhatabout Obama's BIGGER loss??

You admit Obama was a bigger loser while bragging Trump was a lesser loser. Is that weed laced? How many brain cells you got left Grandpa? Are you hanging naked from an apartment window? I want to know. Tell me what you are doing now. Are you debating me in the buff, fully nude, dangling from a tree while eating bananas? Tell me the truth. Don't you lie to me either. What does your crack pipe look like? Does it have Obama's ass on it? Do you kiss that pipe? You probably haven't cleaned it in years. You're an animal. A high animal, but an animal nonetheless. How's your city doing? Any human feces on your lawn? Did you put it there or your liberal bum neighbor? Which one of you shit in your yard?

1 point

I would sooner you leave, given that you're the one us who is dishonest and stupid. But thanks for the offer. I'll bear it in mind.

Then go ahead and leave mutt. See if I care. No one will miss your mooky, mutty ass.

1 point

No, you haven't.. And, if you did, you'd DENY it.. Look.. You just witnessed a total and complete repudiation of Donald Trump, and I'll bet you DENY that too..

We witnessed Democrats lose even more of the Senate. That's what is the new part historically. Do you even study history? Do you not know that the party in power always loses seats in the House at the midterms of the first year? Do you not know that 45 Republicans retired? Do you not know that the incumbent wins 98% of the time? Do you not know that Obama lost 64 seats? Do you not know that losing 64 seats is the record?

Are you even aware that the president’s party has lost an average of 37 seats since the end of World War Two. Are you aware that It’s only the third time in the past 100 years that the party holding the White House has gained seats in the Senate in a mid-term election while losing seats the House?

You called it repudiation to lose 34 seats. Losing 64 seats must be repudiation, matched with another repudiation. Do you want to discuss Obama's double repudiation? He lost the Senate too. Is that a triple repudiation?

1 point

If the thumping right wingers took is the libs NOT being taken seriously, I want MORE of it.

You'll get it. We both know what you want. To fill the hole caused by liberalism with drugs and pretty talk. Say pretty things. Think pretty things. Stay stoned. Watch the world burn through your television. You want revenge for being born. That's hardly my fault. It's your fault. You saw the garbage heap and jumped right in. I understand. Life is hard for the oppressed liberal while the press and Hollywood tell you how great you are for pretending to have emotions and feelings, for pretending like you care about foreigners or anyone else for that matter. For pretending like you would happily visit the black part of town. We know your ilk. All mouth. That is all.

1 point

But what they would do, apparently, is adopt a Guatemalen child. You on the other hand, talk about things from some liberal ivory tower, move as far from the brown border as is possible, and waddle off to your very white neighborhood where you don't have to watch the damage done by illegal aliens. Out of sight, out of mind. You'll say nice things. You'll think nice things. You'll retreat back to your bubble where you don't have to deal with mobs of people in chaos screaming in foreign languages, overwhelming you. The reality of the border. The reality of Europe's borders. You won't have anything left to give away. There will be nowhere left for brown people to run. You'll see the fruit of your labor, soon enough.

1 point

Nom exposes fascism

Keep your clothes on you mutt. We aren't interested in your morbid peep show. Would there be much to see? Would there be anything to see?

1 point

Do you BELIEVE it, or do you want PROOF?

So called liberals have never demonstrated any desire to have proof. You had proof on Hillary. You ignored it. You have no proof on Donald Trump. We ignored it. See the difference?

2 points

He thinks you noticed. He doesn't care that you noticed.

If I can think of a time the Democrat AG wasn't a political hack, I'll let you know. The last AG met with the woman she was investigating's husband on the tarmac. We noticed. She didn't care. You didn't care. Now it's reversed. Now it's us and Trump who don't care. I understand. You don't like the unspoken rules applied across the board.

1 point

The mook speaks to itself.

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